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Router doesn't work with Apex Legends at all! Might Return.


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Basically after I finish a game and go back to the lobby, whenever I ready up for anything, pubs, firing range, ranked. It wont put me in a game it will just keep saying "Party Member Preprocessing" which means it WONT WORK.

The only way for it to actually work is to go back to the main menu and then back into the the mode I want to play.


Strict mode OFF.

Fast Search OFF.

Ping Assist - 0 to 200ms.

Geo-Latency: OFF.

I had Steady Ping OFF.

I've got PlayStation 5 set as:

Filtering Enabled is turned OFF.

It's got to the point where I'm having to ALLOW every single game server I put into.

I was playing Quads yesterday and after every..3 games or it kicked ONLY ME back to the lobby, my other 3 games always got put into a game.


I've attached a video so you can see. When it says "Party Member Preprocessing" it'll stay like that forever until I go to the home screen and then back in a game.


I've already sent an email to Netduma to start the return, but if I can get this issue fixed I will keep it.

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You have to place he PS5 in the DMZ. It's the ONLY fix, currently.
Click Settings in Bottom Left, Then Click PortForwarding>Add To DMZ> CHOOSE PS5>SAVE PS5(it might ask to reserve IP, Reserve the IP)>Your PS5 is now in the DMZ
follow screenshots for visuals.


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Tray is essentially the leading person on Apex and the R3 working together and from what he's shown before that will work. It looks to be a port issue, either the game not requesting the right port or us not opening it properly with UPnP.

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1 hour ago, thisisreallife said:

I played a few games last night and it happened again. I couldn't ready up unless I went back to the main screen

Also give rebooting the R3 and PS5 a try. Since you added PS5 to DMZ.

Do you have your setup as Modem > R3?

Are you using the latest firmware? 4.0.236?


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1 hour ago, gforce1987 said:

Anyway to have 2 ps5 on the same network for apex legends ? Everytime i play a game it won't put us back in the lobby always kicks one of us.

Do you have both consoles in the Geo-Filter or just one? Is it the party leader or the non party leader being kicked? Is the one being kicked the one in the Geo-Filter?

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Yes I am still having the same issue. Did a bunch of testing yesterday. Still can't get both ps5 consoles to run apex simultaneously. Did not have this issue with my nighthawk rax75. Wondering if I should do a factory reset at this point. Very frustrating that this router is struggling. Might have to switch back to my nighthawk until a more stable firmware comes out. Also the app won't connect unless I reboot the router daily.

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