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Bufferbloat HELP! - XR500

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I recently switched to 1gb up/down and my buffer bloat problem got worse. See screenshot.  I'm not a network engineer so any help to get this to an A+ would be helpful.  I am using an xr500 on v2.3.2.134 with QoS off.





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What do you mean? Bufferbloat is caused by a saturated network, the only way to prevent that is to not saturate it or use QoS, the router operating system wouldn't make a difference.

If you also flashed the router to OpenWRT you likely won't be able to make it back to DumaOS.

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Goodput just makes speedtests more reliable. Congestion Control limits your speeds to ensure that your connection can't be saturated (which causes bufferbloat). In most cases you won't need to adjust Bandwidth Allocation. There are ? icons on all panels that tell you more about the features.

Start with a high value for Congestion Control, say 95% then do the test, decrease by 10%, test, decrease by 10% etc, until you get to a value that is pretty good and then try 5% either side of that value to see if it can be improved. It's important to note that Download & Upload on Congestion Control don't have to be the same value and that you may have a better experience with differing values.

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You've not entered your correct speeds, you'll need to enter that in the Congestion Control menu :menu . It doesn't disable anything for any devices. Once you have your speeds entered correctly try again

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The only thing to do in this scenario is follow the method I mentioned - it may not be possible to get it down that low as it will depend to a certain degree how stable your base connection is

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OP, I have the XR1000 but have the exact same results/issue as you. Recently our ISP upgraded us to Fiber 1Gb both download and upload and now I get high pings on loaded up/down test in the router and on websites like the buffer-bloat page you posted.  I don't mess with the "flower" as it just seems confusing (if not bugged) but I have messed with the sliders at the top and though they say 70% is usually a good place to start for gaming after a bunch of testing I have found the best settings for mine is all the way down to 23% on download and 42% on upload in order to get good results ...which seems ridiculously low to me, with the down/up set to 1Gb that's only giving me 230 down and 420 up.  My base ping is 14-15ms with a 0.07% jitter (both good) and while I don't get the full 1,000Mbps up/down (usually in the 900s) and the baselines are always very stable. There is no way my network is "saturated" or anywhere near it, If I go to the network monitor page I have never seen the total usage above 20-30Mbps total (all devices combined) and that's only when I'm streaming a 4K UHD movie. On the connection benchmark page my Speed and Ping are always A+ but the Ping Under Load is always a D, unless I turn on the QoS and have the sliders set as I mentioned above at 23% down/42% up.  I have done a full long process reset, reinstalled the firmware, everything. Nothing changes this one problem that I have found...

It's honestly starting to make me wonder if this "Gaming Router" and it's DumaOS is actually designed to handle 1Gb connections. I never had the problem until our ISP bumped us up to the 1Gb speeds, we used to be 50 Mbps down/15 Mbps up and the network wasn't saturated then and we always had A+ on all three categories, we get 1 Gb fiber and now we have speed but the buffer-bloat kicks in and our loaded speeds jump up to 80-120ms on the Ping Under Load section.


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4 minutes ago, SouthernGypsy said:

OP, I have the XR1000 but have the exact same results/issue as you. Recently our ISP upgraded us to Fiber 1Gb both download and upload and now I get high pings on loaded up/down test in the router and on websites like the buffer-bloat page you posted.  I don't mess with the "flower" as it just seems confusing (if not bugged) but I have messed with the sliders at the top and though they say 70% is usually a good place to start for gaming after a bunch of testing I have found the best settings for mine is all the way down to 23% on download and 42% on upload in order to get good results ...which seems ridiculously low to me, with the down/up set to 1Gb that's only giving me 230 down and 420 up.  My base ping is 14-15ms with a 0.07% jitter (both good) and while I don't get the full 1,000Mbps up/down (usually in the 900s) and the baselines are always very stable. There is no way my network is "saturated" or anywhere near it, If I go to the network monitor page I have never seen the total usage above 20-30Mbps total (all devices combined) and that's only when I'm streaming a 4K UHD movie. On the connection benchmark page my Speed and Ping are always A+ but the Ping Under Load is always a D, unless I turn on the QoS and have the sliders set as I mentioned above at 23% down/42% up.  I have done a full long process reset, reinstalled the firmware, everything. Nothing changes this one problem that I have found...

It's honestly starting to make me wonder if this "Gaming Router" and it's DumaOS is actually designed to handle 1Gb connections. I never had the problem until our ISP bumped us up to the 1Gb speeds, we used to be 50 Mbps down/15 Mbps up and the network wasn't saturated then and we always had A+ on all three categories, we get 1 Gb fiber and now we have speed but the buffer-bloat kicks in and our loaded speeds jump up to 80-120ms on the Ping Under Load section.


thanks for your response - It hasn't been super easy to get the most out of this router but I do appreciate how much the staff assists on these forums

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You have to remember these bufferbloat tests are simulating a congested network and estimating how your connection would behave, it's not going to be 100% real world results due to that. The best way is to saturate your own network, use something like PingPlotter and do a constant ping while experimenting with the percentages. This will give you real world results for your specific connection and you can see in real time how your changes affect your ping.

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1 hour ago, Wintercabin said:

thanks for your response - It hasn't been super easy to get the most out of this router but I do appreciate how much the staff assists on these forums

What I have been doing is just leave the QoS turned off and only using the Geo-Filter and the Traffic Prioritization (have both the Xbox entered as a Games Console, and the Xbox entered with Call of Duty) and just using those two features seem to work fine and I ignore the QoS. Since there is no way nothing here could really ever put a strain on a 1Gb fiber setup I've just not worried about it though do wish it would work just because, well, we did pay for the feature right? 

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