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Severely outdated Rainbow Six Heatmap + Other games


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Seriously, I'm going to need more than just a "I'll let the team know"
I've been waiting for months for you to update heatmap feature or refresh your Server ID and geo-map.

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7 minutes ago, DARKNESS said:

You don't need the ping heatmap generally the lowest ping servers are always going to be within 500-800 mile range from your location.

i dont want the lowest ping server, I want to see them where they are properly located.
AS it is now they have Voice Chat servers placed in Europe and some East Coast USA, Ping's incorrect for the distance. 
It's a mess and a lot of games are like this now on the router due to lack of updates

Do you have a suggestion for a non netduma Router than can achieve the effect of geo-filter? 
If I can i'll go somewhere else for working service.

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Hi !

The simplest is to put your position in the ocean (minimum radius)

Set your ping assist to the maximum ping you want, and block servers that do not suit you!

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