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NetDuma R2 Firmware 3.3.280 / Wifi Dropping


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I have had this router for some time now. I have been on firmware 3.3.280 for about a year. It started dropping wifi connection about 4days ago. Since, I have factory reset the router, re flashed firmware, DHCP is set to max release, tried reserved DHCP, Mirror Wifi, separated wifi SSID, manually tested channels, and disabled 5g tested 2.40 and disabled 2.4 and test 5 g. No matter what it will drop wifi for time periods as long as 10 to 20 minutes. Some times it will drop and I have to unplug the router or reboot. I singed up for early access today. I'm to the point I'm about to warranty the item with Squaretrade. Before I do, I wanted to post here and make sure there is not something Im aware of.



Thank you

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  1. Experiment with the widths
  2. Ensure it's in an elevated position - not on a metal surface
  3. Ensure there aren't any electrical / wireless devices e.g headphones etc within close proximity ~3 feet if possible
  4. Set the antennae to this position _ | | _
  5. Sounds weird but if it's close to a microwave that will cause it to disconnect
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