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Ping Plotter Results

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Any internet wizzes, i sent this to my ISP and they have mentioned everything is fine and that dosent show an issue.

Obviously i have no idea i just see red as bad

Anyone know if this is good or bad and if this could be why im getting lag in warzone. (Desync with server i think my cod issue is) rather than lag itself. 



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@davemarsden132It seems fine the ICMP packets are most likely being blocked that why it shows packet loss for the middle hops. What typically matters is the bottom hop and the first hop other than that rest is data which can be useful if you had the ability to get a response back. I'd say maybe the second hop might be of concern though if your not actually experiencing packet loss then it just the packet being blocked. I'd say if your trying to diagnose deeply do a 24 hour test and you can see what going on as it can look stable at certain times of the day but then completely unstable at others.

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