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Network Activity Page Bugged?


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The Network Activity page appears to be bugged for me; when the 'Day' Filter is selected, it only show activity between 12am - 1am, no activity for the rest of the day. Similar with the 'Week' filter, it only shows usage on the first day of the week, and still only appears to be the first hour of that day.

The 'Now' & 'Hour' Filters appear to be displaying the correct, up to date information information

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  • MattyAu changed the title to Network Activity Page Bugged?
  • Netduma Staff

Hi @MattyAu- I just had a think about this one, it'll be because you've just started a new week and a new day. You posted around midnight - the graph resets / starts a new day at midnight every day. If you chose the previous day, it'd show all your data from then - same for the previous week.

I hope this helps!

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9 hours ago, Netduma Jack said:

Hi @MattyAu- I just had a think about this one, it'll be because you've just started a new week and a new day. You posted around midnight - the graph resets / starts a new day at midnight every day. If you chose the previous day, it'd show all your data from then - same for the previous week.

I hope this helps!

Lol, it was actually 11.30am when I posted on here (Australia), and my time zone is set correctly in the Router. Additionally when I try review previous weeks, days, the same error occur.

Fraser has sent through the .23 FW update, so I'll update the Router, reset it and advise if the issue persists.


12 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

It's working fine for me, have you disabled SmartBOOST or anything like that? Are devices connected directly to the R3 or through a switch/extender/AP etc?

SmartBOOST and all other features are active. I do have a Powerline product, but that was connected to my network after I noted the issue occuring.

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On 1/12/2024 at 10:33 AM, Netduma Fraser said:

Okay let us know if you see it on the new version, make sure to do a factory reset also

.23 firmware installed, factory reset done (proper one with a pin) and still have the same issue??

Currently 8am here, my son has been on his PC for over an hour and no data usage, I've been using my phone and nothing showing up.



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4 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Have you done any port forwarding or put a device into the DMZ, any specific settings affecting traffic to a device?

Nope, basically ran through the setup and that's it. Interestingly, the homepage does show network usage...


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It adds a bit of data usage, but still only for the 12am timeslot?? Currently 8.50am here and should be showing a reasonable amount of data usage from at least 6am


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  • Netduma Staff

Hi @MattyAu - ah amazing, thanks for providing more detail about this. I've asked one of the developers who worked on this feature about this: we reckon this is definitely a bug rather than something config / settings related. It could be a timezone issue - Network Activity relies on the Browser timezone rather than the router one. Either a bug is happening there, or something is preventing Network Activity from properly reading the timezone.

We're going to try to debug this issue on our end. Our suspicion is that potentially something to do with the unique daylight saving parameters in Australia. Would you mind letting us know which state / city you're in so we can have a look at your daylight saving time?

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  • Netduma Staff

We believe we just figured this issue out on our end by the way. If our theory is correct, you're likely also on Australia Central Standard Time (ACST). Since that particular timezone has a 0.5 offset (half an hour), it's not handling the data correctly in this case.

We know exactly what to do to remedy this, and we're going to get straight on it. Hopefully a fix will be in there for the very next firmware update but, if not then it'll be the one after. If you're not on ACST then... Oh boy, we'll need to dig a bit deeper! But if you reckon this is what your problem is then happy days - let's get this one fixed!

I've attached the reproduction of the bug below: you can see on Sydney time it's displaying just fine, but on Central it's a bug very similar to what you've got.

image (30).pngimage (29).png

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