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Xbox Party Chat - Geo-Filtered - Must Turn Off To Work (at first)


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This is likely something covered deep in the bowels of support chat here -- But I couldn't find it.

This has happened for at least the past 3 years, from my XR500 to my new R3 - Was hoping R3 would clear it up, but no.  It's difficult to explain, but I'll do my best.

At times when in-game chat gets too choppy  (thanks Activision), we will swap over to party chat (Xbox).  I typically start the group voice chat.  When I 'start' my own (or auto-start it when I invite my first person), I see myself, and my voice working.  As soon as the first person comes in, both our icons turn grey (the 'connecting' mode) -- I'll notice they turn normal, and I see them chatting (white ring around their icon) -- But I'm still greyed out. 

To correct this, I have to first disable my geo-filter, do the inviting, and then turn it back on.

I've deduced that somehow, some-way, I'm inadvertantly filtering out a particular server or set of servers that Xbox uses to initiate the handshakes for party chat.  I can duplicate this every time without fail, for years.

While connecting to voice chat, if I turned off the filter, it still doesn't work -- it has to be turned off first, then the voice chat connection be made. So it feels like it's the initial connection.

Once all are in party chat, and the filter turned on -- this doesn't become a problem.  Even future people being added to the party chat are fine -- it's just my initial connection.


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A follow-up.  While connecting to a normal game, I took a screenshot.  Then while connecting to that same game/server, I started an xbox party chat -- and this is what popped up.

I'm assuming on of these, or (all?) are somehow related to the issue?

Normal Game:


Xbox Party Chat:


The only 'allowed' server I have is a Georgia-based server... nothin gin my Denied server.

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22 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Do you have Geo-Latency on? 

Per some other threads for other troubleshooting, it was suggested I turn it off -- which I did.  I'll re-enable that, and try again tonight and let you know if that made a difference.

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So I enabled geo-filter and sent a buddy a party chat invite. It indeed started to connect but stalled.  While looking at the new servers that popped up the moment I invited him, I chose one that was closest, outside my filter, and immediately we could connect. I saved and labeled that one as Xbox Chat. I don’t know if this will fix it moving forward, I’ll report back… as I don’t know how many servers Xbox uses for these connections and/or if that server will be available next time.  Thoughts ? 

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12 hours ago, mindlash said:

Here are some more @Netduma Fraser: (Xbox Party Chat Serves for white-listing)

5PWS3Y, 5L2H67, 5PX1FM, 5L2CRJ, 5PX1IU, 175NSQK, 5PWS4P, 5L2ILE, 5PWS1R, 5PX1G6, 5LMJAR, 5PX1I8, 5PWS47

That is brilliant thank you very much, we'll get them added!

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