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I feel like i'm 1s behind everybody


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5 hours ago, Ganerineur said:

Hello @Netduma Fraser,

I tried it, does'nt work :(

@SableEUI'll give a try this day.

But, in case if lag comp is also in private matches (for comp), how can we deal with it (Because it would be impossible to use geofilter) ?

Thank you

In private matches your opponents are pre-determined so you cannot use the Geo-Filter at all. You could try throttling Congestion Control severely

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  • 2 weeks later...
11 hours ago, Ganerineur said:

Hello everybody,

@Netduma FraserIt does'nt work, throttling congestion control does'nt give me good results, still feel like I am one second behind people ...


I personally keep my sliders at 100% all the time. Could be placebo but every time i've lowered the sliders it feels like the game runs worse. Hopefully in a future update we are given the option to assign specific bandwidth cap to each device manually, like most routers have

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On 12/27/2023 at 12:44 PM, Ganerineur said:

Hi everybody,


Can someone tell me how to deal with "shoot first die first"  in MW3/Warzone ? I am an ex semi-pro player in COD, I feel like everyone is a second ahead of me, can't really win gunfights.

However, in all humility, they are not necessarily good players (Stats: Low precision, low K/D).


Thank you,


An XR1000 user.

Hi , i am experiencing same issue about 8 months.

In game ping around 34 to 65 but I am barely one second behind the enemy, never get a gun fight with win.

I tried different things but nothing really changed, then I change my ISP and most of my problems solved.


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22 hours ago, Ganerineur said:

Hello everybody,

@Netduma FraserIt does'nt work, throttling congestion control does'nt give me good results, still feel like I am one second behind people ...


Do you only see this issue in private matches or through matchmaking as well?

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Hello @Netduma Fraser,

That was the same case with 3 differents ISP (Free, SFR and Orange : ISPs in France), i feel like in some games players are easy to kill (players with low stats), and just after, players with similar stats become hard to kill.

Isn't there something we can do about lag compensation ?

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  • Administrators
4 hours ago, Ganerineur said:

Hello @Netduma Fraser,

That was the same case with 3 differents ISP (Free, SFR and Orange : ISPs in France), i feel like in some games players are easy to kill (players with low stats), and just after, players with similar stats become hard to kill.

Isn't there something we can do about lag compensation ?

That would be a game mechanic so not something we can affect directly. Some people find throttling heavily or forcing servers far away can help with it.

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