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Problems since release: WiFi - IPTV - QoS


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These 3 areas are clearly the weak points of Netduma. Before I connected the R2, everything worked wonderfully, no WiFi interruptions, IPTV ran without problems, without long loading times, Streams simply stop for a short time… The QoS with the bandwidth allocation of individual devices or applications does not work or even causes problems. Currently, some have access to the new SmartQoS, which is supposed to be better. I am curious about the future, I have had the R2 since release and find it a pity that some features still don't work. The QoS sliders to counteract the bufferbloat are good and the geofilter is great. I hope that we don't have to wait several more years for everything to finally work.

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If you disable Adblocker does IPTV load correctly? What's the issue you're having with bandwidth allocation exactly?

For WiFi try this to see if it is more stable:

  • Disable Mirror Mode, give 2.4/5GHz different names and apply - you'll want to connect to 5GHz specifically for speeds
  • Use a WiFi analyzer to find the least congested channel and change to that
  • Experiment with the widths to see what gives better results
  • Ensure it's in an elevated position - not on a metal surface
  • Ensure there aren't any electrical / wireless devices e.g headphones etc within close proximity ~3 feet if possible
  • Set the antennae to this position _ | | _
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I have not only described the whole thing because of my problems, I have read several forum entries where others write about the same problems. 

QoS: Random WiFi disconnects, buffering Youtube videos. Streams pause every few minutes. I can only fix these problems if I disable QoS. Shouldn't be the solution to the problem though, because if I'm playing a game and my family is streaming a movie, it causes the movie to buffer.

My Connection: 100 Down / 40 Up

IPTV: I do not use the adblocker function. (Disabling QoS does not help here).

It's not that problematic, but it would be nice if I could connect all devices like my TVs to the R2 without encountering problems.

I will test SmartQoS today, maybe something will change.

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