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Firmware XR1000 version 1 (.44) is better than (.64 and .68)


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I noticed that Netgear XR1000 .44 firmware is better than .64 and .68. Within the game, I can kill the opponent faster, and I feel that it takes longer for the opponent to kill me in the call of duty. The question is: Is there any other firmware as good as version .44?

Sorry My english 

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3 hours ago, Fuzy said:


Você pode ver as diferenças entre os diferentes FWs.

Navegando pelas notas de lançamento neste link! https://www.netgear.com/support/download/?model=XR1000

Entre outras atualizações de segurança, você pode ver que entre FW.44 e FW.68 há muitas melhorias e correções de bugs.

In practice, inside the game, the old version is better!

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  • Administrators

If that's what works best for you then that's great but I would always suggest being on the latest for security purposes. We can't recommend a specific firmware based on subjective experiences unfortunately.

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