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installation Netduma R1 avec livebox play


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  • Netduma Staff

Ok, yes there is a way. As you are on 1.03.3 you can use the reset button on the back. But before you do that, can you just confirm the following things as pushing that button can sometimes cause more problems:


1) Did you have 'preserver settings' ticked or unticked during the upgrade.

2) Was there a power disconnection during the upgrade?

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Ok, so preserve settings was NOT ticked, is that correct - just want to confirm. If so, please follow this guide and report back with if it works :)

 no good net duma hors services

My worries came when I've made the setting as day.

is what my net duma is dead?

I think there have been a trouble when update

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  • Netduma Staff

 no good net duma hors services

My worries came when I've made the setting as day.

is what my net duma is dead?

I think there have been a trouble when update


Yes - you have to keep preserve setting ticked as the guide says. I think pressing the reset button on the back will fix it but maybe it's best if you wait until tomorrow for official Netduma support as I know pushing the reset button has also caused problems :)

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have you heard my worries?
I refléchi and the worries of the update comes well that I did last night.
is what I have the opportunity to fix what worries
thanks for your help


avez vous des nouvelles pour mon soucis?
j'ai refléchi,et le soucis vient bien de l update que j ai fait hier soir.
est ce que j ai la possibilité de réparer ce soucis
merci de votre aide

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  • Administrators

Hello, can you confirm a few things for me so I can assist you, its quite hard to get the whole picture. 


1. You can access the internet through the Netduma, correct? 

2. Can you access the control panel from http://R1

3. When upgrading you un ticked the boxes? 

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1.... no impossible

2.... no

3... lorsque j ai fait update du fichier R1-v1-03-4.sig mon net duma ne fonctionne plus.
when I made the R1-v1-03-4.sig update my net duma file no longer works.

thanks for the help

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I tried and

No there is nothing

is there a way to redo the flash of yesterday who have missed in my opinion?

existe t'il un moyen pour refaire le flash d hier qui as raté a mon avis?

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c'est pas normal qu'il ne fonctionne plus.
je perds patience
je vais être obliger de faire remboursser ou le faire remplacer.
merci de votre aide


it is not normal that no longer works.
I lose patience,
I'll be forced to remboursser or replacement.
thanks for your help

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  • Administrators

There is but it is incredibly hard to do so we won't attempt it. I am trying to help you, however it was working before hand, and now after upgrading its not which we prevented from happening in an update you were already on so I am unsure what could have caused this. Did you unplug the power when it was upgrading before? When you plug in the router to the power, do the lights flash/is there a beeping noise? 

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the lights flash/is there a beeping noise/...ok

Did you unplug the power when it was upgrading before/...no

assume that the power have been cut before the end of the update have us the opportunity to make up for it?

supposons que le power as été coupé avant la fin de l update avons nous la possibilité de rattraper cela?

thank you for the help me

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