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Smart Congestion Control?

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I don't know how reliably the Netduma can distinguish multiplayer traffic but it would be nice for popular games to be able to apply congestion control automatically when there is multiplayer traffic coming from the consoles.


I think it feels a bit too involved currently to fidget with the sliders before and after every session.  There has to be a smarter way or option.  At the very least perhaps allow you to save your congestion options into a preset dropdown.


Thanks for all you do Netduma team!

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Yeah, so you know how you have to mess with the sliders before you play and if you're like me you also like to max out your speeds when browsing or downloading stuff... so there's this constant setting the sliders back before starting the game and setting them back to 100% after.  While it's not difficult, it gets tedious.


With this feature in my mind, the router can check if the PS4 is online and should be able to detect multiplayer sessions and apply our congestion control preset.  I don't think it would be a hardware intensive task to check periodically... it could just as simply (in idea, at least) be a flag that gets set when it runs through its rules to detect what game is running.  By having an option to automate this for us, we won't have to mess with the sliders anymore.




Anyway, the congestion control does indeed help.  I tested it by pinging and with congestion control at 100% and a file being downloaded elsewhere in the network, the pings spike up to 70-100ms on a 100Mbps connection if I remember correctly.  However, if I set it to 70% then the pings only rise up to the low 20's-30's for the duration of the download which is very much playable.  When nothing is going on in the network my pings are around 12ms to 18ms.

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