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Try ports 3074-3074 to 29000-45000 UDP, Normal default for wired connection. 

Try bandwith share excess off (both dl/ul) especially if u have enough bandwith available.

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  On 1/24/2023 at 5:16 PM, Mobel said:

Try ports 3074-3074 to 29000-45000 UDP, Normal default for wired connection. 

Try bandwith share excess off (both dl/ul) especially if u have enough bandwith available.


i will try this but just wondering i do have 1k/1k fiber. if i turn excess bandwith share off for both of them dosent that lower my bandwith on my console/every device? like i did a test connection on my ps5 got over 600 down and now only getting 84. how is this beneficial?

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  On 1/24/2023 at 5:55 PM, MainLifeline said:

i will try this but just wondering i do have 1k/1k fiber. if i turn excess bandwith share off for both of them dosent that lower my bandwith on my console/every device? like i did a test connection on my ps5 got over 600 down and now only getting 84. how is this beneficial?


It will give dedicated bandwith to all your devices, basically dividing your bandwidth between all your devices that are online in Device manager.

Got very good results with it, basically from what I've seen when u are playing on a PS5 CoD and in a chatparty the traffic doesnt exceed more then 2Mbps dl/ul.

When u see there is a update that u have to download u turn share excess on, download the update and after its downloaded u turn share excess off again.

Try to keep the distrubition even for all the devices in Qos page (press reset distrubition and then update distrubition, for DL and UL) I think u will achieve this easily with a 1K/1K connection.

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  On 1/24/2023 at 6:22 PM, Mobel said:

It will give dedicated bandwith to all your devices, basically dividing your bandwidth between all your devices that are online in Device manager.

Got very good results with it, basically from what I've seen when u are playing on a PS5 CoD and in a chatparty the traffic doesnt exceed more then 2Mbps dl/ul.

When u see there is a update that u have to download u turn share excess on, download the update and after its downloaded u turn share excess off again.

Try to keep the distrubition even for all the devices in Qos page (press reset distrubition and then update distrubition, for DL and UL) I think u will achieve this easily with a 1K/1K connection.


Thabk you for this info! So i tried it out and youre right! def feels way smoother! and the bullet reg crisp as ever. i wanted to take note that you port you listed did in fact light up like a christmas tree in public lobbies, while in custom/private matches it did not. Only 3074-3074 UDP Port and the Netduma Call Of Duty option Lit up in private matches Still. However, turning off share excess def was one option i needed off. THNK YOU

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@MainLifelineu welcome

I am pretty sure 99.99% that there are no other ports then between 29000-45000 destination ports being used for CoD in public, private/custom match, WZ, Crossplay on/off been watching this since 2020 with PS5 and PS4. 

Source ports always 3074-3074 btw.

I've been also playing a lot of Custom matches in the past few years especially SnD competitive EU.

Give it a try the SP 3074-3074 DP 29000-45000 UDP also in Custom/private match u wont regret it.

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  On 1/24/2023 at 7:46 PM, Mobel said:

@MainLifelineu welcome

I am pretty sure 99.99% that there are no other ports then between 29000-45000 destination ports being used for CoD in public, private/custom match, WZ, Crossplay on/off been watching this since 2020 with PS5 and PS4. 

Source ports always 3074-3074 btw.

I've been also playing a lot of Custom matches in the past few years especially SnD competitive EU.

Give it a try the SP 3074-3074 DP 29000-45000 UDP also in Custom/private match u wont regret it.


say less my guy thank you. there is def more to COD then just Ping. ppl wanna deny it but its true.

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@MainLifelinethere is definitely more then ping only lag comp definitely a huge factor that u have fiddle around with to work in ur favour and had many times that it will work for a few days or weeks and then be all off again the connection.

What works for me then most of the time is to turn the router off for 10-15 minutes with no power connected and after rebooted leave it for a 10 minutes to initialise and all.

Then dial down the dl/ul speeds to 500kb/1mbps for your console (with Share Excess OFF DL/UL) and start CoD play a few games even if u lag sometimes then restart application (CoD) for a few times with these very low bandwith settings for your console.

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  On 1/24/2023 at 12:36 PM, MainLifeline said:

(read it all ppl it took me a long time have this power and i didnt really want to share this but i feel like theres still more i dont really know that yall do that can even better the experinece on COD) 
Ive been playing only cod multiplayer my whole life competitively IN PRIVATE/CUSTOM MATCHES. This is important becuase everyone on here is experimenting with PUBLIC MATCHES and not private ones where 1 on 1 connection battle it out. Anyways i started playing SND for MONEY when BO4 came out and have continued on since then. And you really dont understand a true gunfight 1 on 1 when you grind SND for hours and hours everyday and you truly feel the hitreg/connection/whatever of the game youre playing. Anyways, Since 2018 BO4 ive played every NEWER* Main COD onward strictly SND for cash. Listen ladies and gentlemen by now you understand that in COD the netcode is completly not understood. ive played games being host in florida vs ppl in canada or Eu and sometimes just ppl in far cali and have gotten joked on my 1-7 PING FIBERRRRR!! ON MY HOST. then they go host and its actually BETTER in terms of hit reg and connection in general ( but not ping obviously) however they still have the better advantage cause there host just works and mine for whatver reason dosent... Heres my opinon on one subject ppl have argued here from my years of playing others from outside the USA (canada EU Mexico). They might be at a 130-150 PING on your fiber west/east coast host, but they will ALWAYS have the advantage becuase of Lag comp ( not here to argue with anyone this is a fact from my experience) THEY ARE BLESSED. anyways i digress, sick of getting joked ON FIBER HOST, i did research and did everything this cod forum has talked about except for Traffic priortization. There was someone named Kirnel who talked about it and said his man did it and got god hit reg. it made sense to me, priortizing your packets to the GAME SPECIFIC PORT and good reg? ok bet. so i didnt have a R2 and had a XR500 which has TP but its been bugged and still is bugged not reading my PS5 correctly in Network priority. so I got an R2 tried TP didnt work because rihgt now now the latest firmware Out right now has an issue where the PS5 isnt read correctly. what do i mean, when you  prirotize a port or just priortize your PS5 as "game console" in the network priorty tab Gaming packets are not registered and instead show up as "Unknown" The admins have said that if it says unknown that its still reading the packets but from my long hours of testing its not true. maybe they are but not correctly. Anyways i still tried it and the lights were on and for both Down/Up on the two dots but still getting joked out my Jimmys on and off host. Then..Hope.... the new firmware update for the r2 is coming and is Right now available only for early access users. i begged on my knees to get in. got in did TP but i priortized only the ports UPNP was telling me. which were only UDP 3074-3074 THATS IT. so i priortized those specific ports to my PS5 and also there is a Call of duty option so i clicked that and priortized to my PS5 also and put both on Normal default (WAN). QOS is off, bandwith allocation is both ticked to share excess, UPNP is on (maybe its better off i heard? yall tell me) this is imprtant also....make sure youre on an Open NAT. And Guys all i can say is.. it worked.. in both private and public matches i feel it the power ( im dramatic) but its true. last year ppl were telling me i fell off. this year im hot as ever i even won a MW2 tourney yesterday 4v4 CMG Vs all PC players and me only console. i can HOST NOW and not get joked on my own host and actully Melt ppl its disgusting. as a matter of fact i rather not host and tell my team8s to host no matter if there west or east ( im east) because being off host now has no affect on me. im serious guys this is truth try my settings out, although for PS5 users you might have to wait till the new update comes to the R2 XR500. want proof? My twitch is SnDoc_ i got VODs for days of playing for money on various cods ( my advance warfare vods are lets just say first time playing SND in that game yet playing it in general ever lol my movement and shot is ass just saying lol) even the VOD of the tourney yesterday is there. Heres a warning im very Loud and eccentric so yea lmao but i hate losing. I lose a lot mostly cause my team just wasnt better than the other team. but all i can say for myself is that my bullet reg and overall feel of every COD game is way better and noticeably WAY better. Now this is how i know its working besides playing and "feeling" the game. 2 ways. In network priortization when youre in a MATCH ( not a lobby screen) a game has started and ur in it. when you select your gaming device in the tab "gaming" should appear on the right side on the wheel and should be at;east 70-120Kbps.. The other, open your settings and look for bandwith on the cod ur on. and the bandwith should be 1200kbps or lower. These 2 are what ive found that correlate to eachother and my experience. when i dont do these settings i have 4200 Kbps in the settings on every cod. This is where yall come in. theres probably more ports im missing idk or maybe settings which yall know are even better than mine with combined with how i do TP will be even better.. discuss below. I just want end with this. Im not some super saiyan Online God now. and with these settings while may def help with reg/connection or whatever for you. Your IQ of the game, movement mehcanic, and reaction speed matters just as much. i praise the developers who work hard on these firmwares. theyre on the cusp of something great. 


So what exactly does your TP look like (source/destination)?

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  On 1/26/2023 at 1:21 AM, CheckoutCoachCam said:

So what exactly does your TP look like (source/destination)?


It was src 3074-3074 3074-3074 Des UDP Normal WAN. And then above Mobels TP added to ports 3074-3074 to 29000-45000 UDP, Normal default  and I have call of duty option on too. Idk what ports the call of duty one is using it maybe the same ones I’m using who knows, but I have that on also Normal WAN

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  On 1/26/2023 at 3:23 AM, MainLifeline said:

It was src 3074-3074 3074-3074 Des UDP Normal WAN. And then above Mobels TP added to ports 3074-3074 to 29000-45000 UDP, Normal default  and I have call of duty option on too. Idk what ports the call of duty one is using it maybe the same ones I’m using who knows, but I have that on also Normal WAN


Lmk how they feel for you

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  On 1/24/2023 at 12:36 PM, MainLifeline said:

(read it all ppl it took me a long time have this power and i didnt really want to share this but i feel like theres still more i dont really know that yall do that can even better the experinece on COD) 
Ive been playing only cod multiplayer my whole life competitively IN PRIVATE/CUSTOM MATCHES. This is important becuase everyone on here is experimenting with PUBLIC MATCHES and not private ones where 1 on 1 connection battle it out. Anyways i started playing SND for MONEY when BO4 came out and have continued on since then. And you really dont understand a true gunfight 1 on 1 when you grind SND for hours and hours everyday and you truly feel the hitreg/connection/whatever of the game youre playing. Anyways, Since 2018 BO4 ive played every NEWER* Main COD onward strictly SND for cash. Listen ladies and gentlemen by now you understand that in COD the netcode is completly not understood. ive played games being host in florida vs ppl in canada or Eu and sometimes just ppl in far cali and have gotten joked on my 1-7 PING FIBERRRRR!! ON MY HOST. then they go host and its actually BETTER in terms of hit reg and connection in general ( but not ping obviously) however they still have the better advantage cause there host just works and mine for whatver reason dosent... Heres my opinon on one subject ppl have argued here from my years of playing others from outside the USA (canada EU Mexico). They might be at a 130-150 PING on your fiber west/east coast host, but they will ALWAYS have the advantage becuase of Lag comp ( not here to argue with anyone this is a fact from my experience) THEY ARE BLESSED. anyways i digress, sick of getting joked ON FIBER HOST, i did research and did everything this cod forum has talked about except for Traffic priortization. There was someone named Kirnel who talked about it and said his man did it and got god hit reg. it made sense to me, priortizing your packets to the GAME SPECIFIC PORT and good reg? ok bet. so i didnt have a R2 and had a XR500 which has TP but its been bugged and still is bugged not reading my PS5 correctly in Network priority. so I got an R2 tried TP didnt work because rihgt now now the latest firmware Out right now has an issue where the PS5 isnt read correctly. what do i mean, when you  prirotize a port or just priortize your PS5 as "game console" in the network priorty tab Gaming packets are not registered and instead show up as "Unknown" The admins have said that if it says unknown that its still reading the packets but from my long hours of testing its not true. maybe they are but not correctly. Anyways i still tried it and the lights were on and for both Down/Up on the two dots but still getting joked out my Jimmys on and off host. Then..Hope.... the new firmware update for the r2 is coming and is Right now available only for early access users. i begged on my knees to get in. got in did TP but i priortized only the ports UPNP was telling me. which were only UDP 3074-3074 THATS IT. so i priortized those specific ports to my PS5 and also there is a Call of duty option so i clicked that and priortized to my PS5 also and put both on Normal default (WAN). QOS is off, bandwith allocation is both ticked to share excess, UPNP is on (maybe its better off i heard? yall tell me) this is imprtant also....make sure youre on an Open NAT. And Guys all i can say is.. it worked.. in both private and public matches i feel it the power ( im dramatic) but its true. last year ppl were telling me i fell off. this year im hot as ever i even won a MW2 tourney yesterday 4v4 CMG Vs all PC players and me only console. i can HOST NOW and not get joked on my own host and actully Melt ppl its disgusting. as a matter of fact i rather not host and tell my team8s to host no matter if there west or east ( im east) because being off host now has no affect on me. im serious guys this is truth try my settings out, although for PS5 users you might have to wait till the new update comes to the R2 XR500. want proof? My twitch is SnDoc_ i got VODs for days of playing for money on various cods ( my advance warfare vods are lets just say first time playing SND in that game yet playing it in general ever lol my movement and shot is ass just saying lol) even the VOD of the tourney yesterday is there. Heres a warning im very Loud and eccentric so yea lmao but i hate losing. I lose a lot mostly cause my team just wasnt better than the other team. but all i can say for myself is that my bullet reg and overall feel of every COD game is way better and noticeably WAY better. Now this is how i know its working besides playing and "feeling" the game. 2 ways. In network priortization when youre in a MATCH ( not a lobby screen) a game has started and ur in it. when you select your gaming device in the tab "gaming" should appear on the right side on the wheel and should be at;east 70-120Kbps.. The other, open your settings and look for bandwith on the cod ur on. and the bandwith should be 1200kbps or lower. These 2 are what ive found that correlate to eachother and my experience. when i dont do these settings i have 4200 Kbps in the settings on every cod. This is where yall come in. theres probably more ports im missing idk or maybe settings which yall know are even better than mine with combined with how i do TP will be even better.. discuss below. I just want end with this. Im not some super saiyan Online God now. and with these settings while may def help with reg/connection or whatever for you. Your IQ of the game, movement mehcanic, and reaction speed matters just as much. i praise the developers who work hard on these firmwares. theyre on the cusp of something great. 


Your last statement “they’re on the cusp of something great” I know is in good spirit but it’s actually not great; it’s sad. The reality is all this extra crap is unfair. You’re literally saying your hit reg was off on 7 ping fiber, do you think your opponents have these settings you’re claiming helps your hit reg?

Used to boot up halo 2/3 and most people in the world were using standard basic internet with the modem/router their isp gave them. Nowadays internet varies massively. One person can have only 1 option such as myself where I live and some people may not be able to afford the highest speeds. Now we have fancy routers, port knowledge, different speeds, sbmm, different system latencies, and etc.

Don’t get me wrong it’s not the router developers it’s all part of the isp competing. I too am happy to have access to more control over my connections but I wish it all wasn’t necessary. Internet and hardware is such a big part of the battle now especially in games like wz2 with little skill gap, no movement, and super fast ttk making connection matter more than ever. Thanks for your sharing your experience with settings though. I only get 55 down and 12 up. Lol 

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  On 1/26/2023 at 9:36 AM, MainLifeline said:

Listen man. I get it it is sad but don’t blame me or the devolopers for trying to find a solution to get FAIR Hit reg/connection to a shit game with a shit netcode and shit Host or server 


Who blamed you? I literally blamed the competitive business of ISPs( trying to get money.) And what you’re calling fair is actually unfair if everyone doesn’t have it is my point. Yea the game net code etc is crap but if you’re doing things that your opponents aren’t doing to improve it then it is unfair. Not saying what you’re doing is unethical or morally wrong. Not saying you or the router developers are bad people lol we are all (including myself) going to do our best to get our best performance. Just reading it all saddened me cuz it used to be a lot more fair in the past before ISPs starting offering various services and new construction brought different hardware etc.

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  On 1/26/2023 at 9:47 AM, Able said:

Who blamed you? I literally blamed the competitive business of ISPs( trying to get money.) And what you’re calling fair is actually unfair if everyone doesn’t have it is my point. Yea the game net code etc is crap but if you’re doing things that your opponents aren’t doing to improve it then it is unfair. Not saying what you’re doing is unethical or morally wrong. Not saying you or the router developers are bad people lol we are all (including myself) going to do our best to get our best performance. Just reading it all saddened me cuz it used to be a lot more fair in the past before ISPs starting offering various services and new construction brought different hardware etc.


I mean look man as time progresses infrastructure gets better. That includes ISPs. We have fiber now, maybe not a majority of the US has it but many do still. If we have the opportunity to have better internet than before… the normal gamer will get it. It’s just how the way things naturally go.

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@Ableit is totally normal there is nothing unfair about getting better hardware, it is unfair the weird things that are happening in the game when u have a better connection that u get punished and so on.

I should have the advantage over people if my ping is lower (more stable) then my opponent that's how things work or should, not adding artificial lag (lag comp) that brings all kind of weird bullshit scenario's in the game.

It's like someone playing on a regular tv with 160ms input lag vs someone on a gaming monitor with 15ms input lag u have advantage obviously with the gaming monitor that's why u buy it.

That's how life works.

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  On 1/26/2023 at 6:24 PM, Mobel said:

@Ableit is totally normal there is nothing unfair about getting better hardware, it is unfair the weird things that are happening in the game when u have a better connection that u get punished and so on.

I should have the advantage over people if my ping is lower (more stable) then my opponent that's how things work or should, not adding artificial lag (lag comp) that brings all kind of weird bullshit scenario's in the game.

It's like someone playing on a regular tv with 160ms input lag vs someone on a gaming monitor with 15ms input lag u have advantage obviously with the gaming monitor that's why u buy it.

That's how life works.


There is an unfair advantage to getting better equipment and you contradicted that later by saying 15ms monitor has advantage against 160ms tv. Yea and that’s ok and all but it still isn’t fair lol you may say in the scenario it’s fair because both players have the option to buy a monitor and upgrade their internet but not everyone has those options and regardless if two opponents are against each other with different equipment and one has better it is unfair. Which I know that’s what you said and mention that’s how life works I agree. I was just pointing out recognizing the past before all the hardware advancements we used to have a lot more fair online gaming where skill stood out more. that’s ok though idk why these guys are taking it as a personal attack even I can recognize I have unfair advantages that’s life. Life isn’t fair. lol most things I’m saying apply to me as well like I said idk why they are taking it personal I was just sharing a statement or observation on the state of online gaming while telling that guy thank you for sharing his experience yet he seemed to take it negatively idk. 

and im well aware of cod match making going out of its way to make my connection worse because I perform well. My BEST lobbies are in the 50s and if I let normal match making do it’s thing I will be getting 70s to 90s while iM on the east coast I will be playing mid west or west coast every game so the game can do everything in its power to keep me average in stats. That’s why I’m here to improve 

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  On 1/26/2023 at 1:37 PM, MainLifeline said:

You really can’t follow along a 20 sentence story.


I tried reading it again and I still haveno idea what you're talking about. Are you suggesting settings somewhere? Can someone explain it clearly, maybe in dot form or a normal paragraph for my tiny brain

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  On 1/27/2023 at 9:46 AM, Able said:

This part 



Thanks, that's the bit I read but it just says prioritise 3074 which didn't make sense but I read the rest of the thread now so it's

3074:3074 source:destination UDP only, normal default (wan) - meaning apply to WAN


3074-3074 to 29000-45000 UDP, Normal default - so don't apply this to WAN?

Not sure what this setting is " Idk what ports the call of duty one is using it maybe the same ones I’m using who knows, but I have that on also Normal WAN" , I'm not on my R2 so maybe the R2 has call of duty as an option when adding your console to traffic prio?

Anyway, I'll try these out. I was having some horrible games just before (counted over 10 hitmarkers on a guy and he killed me lol), turned off my traffic prio and the bullet reg seemed to be better. I'm sure it'll go to shit after a few games, this game is too unpredictable

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I found a better port to prioritize. 3074-3480 src

1:65535 des TCP/UDP Normal Apply to WAN. To me this port is way better. Someone in the forum mentioned this port. Don’t prioritize any other ports but this one. Try it.

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  On 1/27/2023 at 4:03 PM, MainLifeline said:

I found a better port to prioritize. 3074-3480 src

1:65535 des TCP/UDP Normal Apply to WAN. To me this port is way better. Someone in the forum mentioned this port. Don’t prioritize any other ports but this one. Try it.


BUT MAKE SURE ITS WORKING READ AT THE BOTTOM OF MY BIG ESSAY POST. Just because you put the port in and it’s glowing up red DOSENT mean it’s working.

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