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Lobbytesting... Why only Highskiller at every game !?


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Over the Last 2 Days i teamed up with a really really low skilled mate. He is 60 years old and he has a 0.2 or lower KD - always.. I joined him and we did some Shipment but also some Quickplay Modes.

Me, a newbish 1KD Player teammated with this lowskilled Guy and we Lost 20 out of 20 Matches. Our Mates in every Mode played so badly that sometimes even my Mate was not last placed, i really played hard and gave my best i can and ALWAYS was first placed on our team. I really had to try hard to get out with positive KD...

At every Round (Shipment and Quickplay) with HIS Lobbys, we had the biggest noob-team ever - and EVERY round the enemy team has multiple VTOLs, Choppergunner, Overwatchhelos and Gunships - 20 out of 20 different modes.... 

Why we got no CDL-Wannabe-Progamers as a team??? Always the Enemys running around with Shild, jumping around corners, shoot directly after the jump and insta-flick on our heads. Even hardscoping and waiting fore them makes no difference, they run with tac sprint around corners and had INSTA ADS. Even if i max out any form of SMG or M4 for ADS Time or any similar Attachment to Shoot directly out of TacSprint it feels like i have the slowest Sniper as ADS time compaired to them. 

I tryed to force Spain Servers with a higher ping than my Home location but it makes no difference. Only the biggest CDL-Pros everywhere. In every Mode.

I play(ed) alot of MnK before and i was CSGO Legendary Eagle as Ranked Player and has in Valorant the Rank before the Immortal Rank, so i dont think that my Reflexes are that bad. tbh. But the MP Matchmaking of MW2 on my PS5 only gave me Lobbys from hell.

Anybody has similar "problems" and or a fix? 

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We’re pretty much all in the same boat and you can’t do anything about SBMM…unless you do dodgy crap like reverse boosting.

It’s come to the point that I can’t really play MP with my (lower skilled) friends as they get absolutely shit on when I play with them. If they play on their own or amongst themselves then they have fun and do quite well…when I join them, they’ll be 1-2 games where I destroy the lobby as it becomes a lot easier for me, however they struggle to go positive KD…then every game after that is total annihilation to the point where they no longer want to play. 

There is no doubt that SBMM protects lower skilled players as it is designed to do so, but the algorithms cannot handle groups of players with varying skill levels…and as such, it is an anti-social broken system if you can no longer play games with your friends. Fuck SBMM.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’ve been pretty much playing exclusively on Spain and Italy servers when I play solo MP (due to trying to get higher ping and shoot first, die first) but started testing UK only again today and I have to say that the lobbies felt possibly easier than what they used to in UK and what I’ve been used to playing on in Spain and Italy servers.

This may be because I was playing with a low skilled friend but I noticed searching UK only takes a lot longer to find games so may be SBMM is struggling with just the one server to pick from.

I only played for a couple of hours but will test further playing solo with fewer game modes selected and crossplay off.

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Done some further testing and restricting the pool of players via local servers, fewer gametypes and crossplay off doesn’t really have that much effect.

What I have found more often then not is that there would always be 1 or 2 high skill players on the other team, and you’re basically expended to carry a team if complete numpties…resulting in your team being steam rolled, struggling break even KD as the enemy players push through areas you wouldn’t normally expect them to, and losing more games than wins. Obviously the flip side of this coin does happen with you dominating other teams, but it’s certainly not a recipe for minimising SBMM.

I’ll be going back to Spain and Italy servers for solo queuing.


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