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prioritise gaming traffic for call of duty


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2 hours ago, Dean.L said:

prioritise gaming traffic 

so do u just use the same ports as the ones you have portfowarded ??? eg  3074 ect???

You can leave DumaOS Classified Games to prioritize or use the games console rule, otherwise yes use the same ports for the destination and leave the source ports as their defaults

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1 hour ago, Klaox said:

the console ports are the same as the pc?? i mean 3074 udp o 443 tcp??

Different platform use different ports but 3074 is the common port for cods in general I USE THIS SITE TO FIND THE RIGHT PORTS FOR THE RIGHT GAME AND ROUTER SET-UP


but the only port i prioritise is 3074 upd


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El 01/03/2023 a las 0:57, Dean.L dijo:

Las diferentes plataformas usan diferentes puertos, pero 3074 es el puerto común para los códigos en general. UTILIZO ESTE SITIO PARA ENCONTRAR LOS PUERTOS ADECUADOS PARA LA CONFIGURACIÓN CORRECTA DEL JUEGO Y EL ENRUTADOR.


pero el unico puerto que prioriza es el 3074 upd


hola call of duty usa como origen el puerto 3074 UDP y como destino usa un rango de puertos entre el 30000 y 45000 aunque yo recomiendo aumentar un poco más el rango hasta 50000. También puedes agregar 3 reglas para priorizar todos los puertos UDP de tu consola excluyendo los puertos 80 y 443 y también funcionará bastante bien. Seria así:

origen 1-65535 destino 1-79

origen 1-65535 destino 81-442

origen 1-65535 destino 444-65535


De está forma todos los puertos UDP de la consola se priorizan.



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On 1/8/2023 at 9:35 PM, TODDzillaInLA said:

if your setting your router up for COD specifically all you need is 3074



You are only prioritising a port that is used for game stats rather than servers for the game in general cod uses ports 30000 to 40000 on server side

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1 hour ago, l2eactionz said:

You are only prioritising a port that is used for game stats rather than servers for the game in general cod uses ports 30000 to 40000 on server side

How so and is true if so what would it look like and would it be both tcp&udp or one or the other 

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12 hours ago, Dean.L said:

How so and is true if so what would it look like and would it be both tcp&udp or one or the other 

If you're on playstation, your source port should be 3074 and the destination 30000:65535 (servers use ports higher than 40000). Gaming packets are only UDP

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