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Need your advice from the community!


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I'm finally gonna buy a PS5 cause they are becoming more available at normal price. With that said I need some logical advice on what monitor to buy. I've always had good luck with the benQ monitors with the ps4's I own. With all the new upgrades in fps and picture quality I want to make sure I'm buying the right one for the price. I want to get the cheapest best monitor for the price and it has to be a 1ms response. I will settle for nothing less. Can yall post your advice and comments. Appreciate it and thank you!

-basically I want response time over picture. 

-Also the only game I really play and have the time to play is COD, just an fyi

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RTings is pretty close to getting actual testing from monitors on comparison. I will say how much are you willing to pay. A budget monitor IPS ViewSonic XG2431 low input lag and response times. The downside is that it's a 1080p monitor. If you want 4k, and little more cash to spare. You're going to be hovering between $500 - $900.

here's some articles to check out




There's some reporting that VRR doesn't work with 1440p. Many games on consoles typically run their VRR/120hz in 1080p/4k respectively with a few times utilizing 1440p/120hz like WarZone.

Video demonstrates the game runs in 1440p / 120hz & VRR but others are reporting issues in the comments



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