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Pc players please help


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 Could pc players who are playing  mw2  please  tell me this

On the scoreboard it tells you you latency in game

Is that the same ping shown in netdumar os geo filter 


Or is it loke ps5 showing the ping  ingam  with the added delay 


 For ps5 it adds a delay of around 8ms if your running at 120hz  or it adds a delay of 16ms if tour running at 60hz

I would love to find this out

Also icould you tell us what hz your running at and the delay it adds to your dumar ping


I noticed in the beata  pc players   would show two diffrent pings

First ping   /latency was shoen on the scoreboard

 The second was shown in top left corner from telementry settings all platforms can show the telemntry  latency

But on pc the pc ping / latency were diffrent valyes

Eg  pc showed 8ms in scoreboard ping but on telemetry it would show around43ms latency in top left


I think this was either the scoreboard latency /ping ms  isnt showing the delay it adds  and the teletry latency shows the delay to your ping


But im only guessing so i would like to find out now if the scoreboard ping is the same ping /ms latency on the fumaros ping shows

 I hope i made sence

I just dont fanncy having to buy a new pc and the game again to find this out

Finding this info out would be helpfull to me

 Thanksso if you wanna help please state you scoreboard ping  then your dumar os ping plus the hz your runnin at


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