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So I have a Cm1000 Modem with a Xr500

my download speeds are about 920 and upload is about 41. It’s spectrum cable so it jumps around a bit. I’m the only device on the network with my pc and I have tried just about every qos setting possible and even tried with qos disabled. I have tried share access on and off. I mainly play cod Vangaurd and my connection just does not feel good. I’m showing I have 10 ping on speed test. I’ve tried using DHCP server and that hasn’t really helped either. 
Can someone please tell me what my best duma setup would be for Vangaurd. I mainly play ranked play. The higher my qos is set too the better my bullet reg feels but the worse the latency feels. 

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Have you followed the below guide for setting up QoS?


Are you playing on PC or on console?

I'd initially suggest setting your Congestion Control sliders at around 70% each, then perhaps also add a rule to traffic prioritisation for the device you're playing one. When asked to select a service, simply pick 'Games Console'.

Retest that and let me know how you get on.

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You mentioned your ping on a speedtest but that will be different to your ping to the game server, what is your ping shown in game? Are you using the Geo-Filter? If so what does your ping show there as well?

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