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Interface Lag, Random IP swaps for devices, Network Monitor Bandwidth concerns

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Hello, I've had an XR1000 for almost a week now. I got it in an attempt to battle the bufferbloat issue I have while playing Warzone on PC. 

My first question is regarding the web page itself. Screens load extremely slow, occasionally giving me basically a time out message. Is there a setting that can enhance the usability of the web page? Armor is disabled. 


Secondly, the router just randomly reassigned IPs to all of my devices, now everything is labeled incorrectly. It changes the device types frequently. Ie, my phone will randomly show as a computer. I get duplicate IP assignments from time to time. Ie, my gaming PC and my Wife's MacBook Pro were assigned the same IP. I have a Spectrum modem that the XR1000 is connected to. I have tried factory resetting, thinking I had done something wrong. 

Lastly, my internet speeds are around 450mbps down, 23mbps up. I have tried setting network congestion manually and by auto-setup. Auto setup will usually recommend like 50% download, and 80-90% upload. Typically I run it around 50% download and 75% upload. While watching the Network Monitor, my usage is always insignificant. I can have Warzone running on my PC, my kids on their devices watching Netflix/Hulu/YouTube, and my wife on her Mac working and I've never even seen my overall usage reach 30 mb down. While playing warzone my usage Typically shows in the Kbps range. That makes no sense to me. If I set my Bandwidth to 50%/75% of a 450/23 speed. And then allocated say 80% of my bandwidth to my pc, my pc should be getting around 150+ down and 14up. A speedtest will confirm this. However, playing warzone uses less than 1mbps? And I lag.... why is my network usage so low, when I have plenty of available speed and allocate accordingly? 

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

What browser are you accessing the interface from? Generally once pages have been cached it speeds things up a lot.

With regards to address assignment, it may be worth going to the LAN settings and changing the DHCP pool to start from .50. After that, reserve IPs for each device, give them IPs in the range of .2 to .49. That should prevent them changing again.

Reserving bandwidth is half the battle and you've set that up correctly from what I can tell. The next thing to do is to make sure Traffic Prioritisation is being classified correctly and prioritised by Traffic Prioritisation.

Could you check for me whether the 'DumaOS classified games' rule is detecting priority traffic when you're actively playing CoD? This will be denoted by two red lights on the rule.

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I am not able to get the DumaOS classified to work while playing CoD on my PC. 

Today my internet speeds are 480down, 23up. The auto setup suggested 30% down, 99% up to achieve a max spike of 30ms. I ran a game with that setup and it felt incredibly laggy in game. My in game latency was around 30 according the Warzone. I allocated myself 100% of the bandwidth since no other devices are currently being used. So approximately 140down, 20up is being allocated to my PC. I set up traffic prioritization as a port range for both UDP/TCP which also opens my nat type. The prioritization shows its working for both download and upload packets. For playing on 120 FOV, my movement in game is extremely stunted.

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Gaming barely uses any bandwidth, it won't matter how much speed you allocate to it, it will simply not be used as you don't need a lot of bandwidth for gaming so you don't need to allocate at all really. Try Congestion Control on 70/70% as this is our recommended starting point and see how that feels.

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