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Just got router, not connecting to internet


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I just purchased the Netduma to pick what servers it puts me in on warzone as it was only putting me in east coast servers and I’m west coast. Upon following instructions, I hooked up the router directly to the modem and hooked up my computer to the router and it won’t connect to the internet. I have a netgear cm1000 modem and connected to cox ISP in Arizona. 

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Is this the problem? I have the modem directly connected to the router and nothing else is between it but it is saying in the network map that it’s not the first thing connected to the modem. It’s saying WAN is. Is that normal? I’m not even sure what WAN is


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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear you're having this issue. The Network Map there other than the devices is a static image so that's normal and has nothing to do with the issues you're having. Do you know if you require PPPoE, VLAN etc to get an internet connection? You could hotspot off your phone to download the firmware and then upgrade, if you don't need PPPoE etc then upgrading could get it to work.

However, sometimes modems/routers just like to be booted in a certain way/order. Reboot the modem, wait 2 minutes then reboot the R2, wait 2 minutes then access and see if you have internet.

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So I’m able to access the internet now, however the primary reason I bought this router was to play warzone and it’s not allowing me to connect to their servers to log in and start the game. At first I tried warzone, wouldn’t sign in then I tried apex which let me in. After I closed apex I tried opening warzone which then let me in. I closed warzone to set up the geographical settings for picking which servers it can connect me to on warzone. After setting that up I tried loading up warzone, wouldn’t let me sign in again so I tried starting up apex which now will no longer allow me to connect to their servers either

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For some reason your WAN IP and LAN IP of the router is the same which I don't understand how that has happened - have you changed the R2 LAN/WAN IP? If so I suspect that is why you don't have a connection. I think it may be best to do a factory reset and not change anything in LAN/WAN and you should get a connection.

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So while I was sleeping this morning my dad was able to get the r2 connected to the internet with a good connection by connecting it to another router that gets the internet from the modem. So since I’m connected to a router that’s connected to the modem I believe I have a double NAT which is giving me a moderate NAT. Can I set up port forwarding to the router that’s connected to the modem with the r2 to get an open nat or is that not possible. Also do you know if geo-filter is down today I can’t change my home location or delete devices, it’s stuck the the UK. Anything I can do to get it to work?


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You will need to copy the WAN IP from the R2 System Information page and put that in the DMZ of the other router to get an open NAT, shouldn't be any need to port forward.

Try this:

  1. Quit the application/game/client completely
  2. Remove device from the Geo-Filter
  3. Give PC PlayStation Device Type in the Device Manager
  4. Resync from the Geo-Filter Map menu
  5. Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter with the manual option
  6. Set up the Geo-Filter how you like
  7. Wait 2 minutes
  8. Boot up application/game/client

Then see if it works.

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So I updated the dmz on the router the r2 a connected to but can you scroll up and look at the picture I posted last post of the Geo-Filter screen? It’s not allowing me to delete devices or make any changes to anything in the geo filter it says “dumaos is unable to search for locations right now. Please try again later”

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I was hesitant to reset modem and routers but did it anyway to see if it would fix the geofilter to work but it’s still the same can’t delete devices add devices change location or ping assist nothing just says unable to search for locations right now

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Also is this the proper configuration for my dmz settings to get an open NAT? Because I restarted the router and game and still have moderate with the r2s WAN ip in the router it’s connected it’s dmz settings


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So disregard the questions related to the moderate NAT I set up port forwarding between both routers and now have open NAT. Just need to figure out how to get the geofilter to work then I’m out of your hair. Is there anything I can do to fix it other than hard resetting the r2? Just don’t want to be back at square one possibly or even just setting everything back up would be annoying with the port forwarding and everything else

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My god. Love your solutions your timeliness everything. Don’t ever let the understandably frustrated non tech saavy customers get to you. You guys know your stuff and this is an amazing product. I always have issues with everything internet and computer related just got a pc recently. so I much appreciate the support you guys have set up works much better than phone support. 

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So I lied I’m not out of your hair just yet lol. So it was working for a few games but the lag became unbearable even when connected to closeby servers with geofilter because of the router connected between the modem and r2. I read online being connected to a router even on Ethernet that’s connected to a router instead of the modem is bad for latency so it’s bad for gaming. Could you help me get it working directly connected to the modem? I know I’ll be alright then but it doesn’t seem to want to connect to the internet it says WAN IP Disconnected even though it’s sending and receiving bytes. 


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Being connected to another router will add an very very small amount of latency to your connection, but almost certainly nothing that you'll notice.

To connect the R2 to the modem, plug an ethernet cable from the WAN port on the R2 (the Blue one) to a LAN port on your modem. After that, reboot the R2 and it should be working fine as long as you don't use PPPoE, VLAN or DHCP identifiers. If you do, you'll also need to configure that in the R2 WAN settings.

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So I got it connected! My dads actually an IT guy and has been busy and never wants to help when I ask because he hates changing his setup. But he configured it with our network and I’m connected now! Sorry had to be something with his set up/server that was making this not as simple as it should have been! Sorry for wasting your time I was just eager to get it connected and ignorant in my thinking I could have had it set up myself. 

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So everything working great so far except for the matchmaking won’t put me into games in battle royale mode (what I always play) it shows the same server In California in geofilter for the rebirth mode as the server for battleroyale yet with rebirth it connects to that server within literally 2 seconds where as for battle royale it shows players and that same server yet it will never connect to it and just disappears then pops up again but my game never connects. I can wait 5 10 15 minutes. This is ridiculous. When I get big as a streamer I’m going to be very vocal about the things warzone does to the players it doesn’t want to flourish

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Before I got the netduma, the ONLY servers it would connect me to were east coast servers even though in the menu of warzone my geographical location was correct in phoenix. This wouldn’t make sense to me if I were bad, but if I have a low latency I am good for 20+ kills easily. 

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This is my ping heat map. For some reason out of the three servers available for warzone in my area with a decent ping, only the Northern California server has been showing up on geofilter when searching. Also attached is a picture of where I have the geofilter set to with ping assist set to 0



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