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connection bench mark


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Trying to do connection bench mark and saw that it was posted that ping under load isnt displaying correctly? would that explain my ping test underload upload speed being displayed wrong. says 180 but dont feel like that is right

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i also adjusted my qos settings and played around with the sliders after awhile i found the right numbers using the auto setup thing you guys have on there. Also might be related but my isp caps upload at 40 Mbps i think. my download is uncapped however.

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You'll need to set the speeds in Bandwidth settings to the speeds you usually receive from the modem, otherwise upload QoS won't work properly so do that and then try Auto Setup again. Don't worry about the speed on Benchmark you should be getting higher than that if you do a speedtest.net test for example.

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Yes run a speed test directly from the modem so you know what you get and then set it. Don't set it to a speed you don't receive. Yes that is a lot better, looks like you may be able to get it down a bit more though by experimenting with the percentages.

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