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Netduma R2 Not working multiple similiar posts found


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Ive had my netduma r2 since early October of this year and since yesterday it stopped working. It wont display a wifi network to connect too and When everything is connected the internet comes on and goes out continuously no stop like a flicker. I don’t have access to the interface either. The reset button on the back doesn't work either no light change or any difference happens, I have tried to trouble shooting this myself and then end term of every similar forum posts results in a replacement for the other person 


Link to others having similiar issues 



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Hi fraser to save you sometime i didnt mean to make two posts one is with my email [email protected] ill just use this topic post for the rest of our conversation 

To save you sometime i set my pc to a static ip through control panel

Heres my ipconfig/all

still the issue persists and still cannot access duma os through dumaos/ or

I also reset my r2 with your instructions from my email and the internet to my hardwired computer works but nothing else 

thank you for your help


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