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I'm just wondering what does adjusting QOS really do? Also on the Speedtest why does it never get anywhere near your actual speeds? Mine being 1g down 500mb up. And on the Speedtest my idle ping use to be 15 now it's starting at 20 and I seem to always get spikes or at least 1 spike fairly high on download no matter what type or QOS slider I put it on, I'm on the XR500 now since I sold my R2 but the R2 use to have a feature where it would run some test and the ping lines would be perfectly balanced no spiking at all not even the slightest but this xr500 don't have anything like that.



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In short, QoS allows you to ensure the important/sensitive traffic on your network isn't held up behind less important stuff. It does this by reducing available bandwidth to ensure any network queueing occurs on the DumaOS router and not upstream. It can then take control and send out priority traffic faster. 

If you run a speedtest.net test, do you see your expected full bandwidth speeds there? If so, it's likely just a case of Connection Benchmark reporting these speeds incorrectly, we're aware of this and are working on improving it's accuracy.

Your base ping and your ping underload are already pretty similar. You may be able to get them even closer by reducing/increasing your Congestion Control sliders by 5% at a time and testing after each change. See which configuration gives you the best results and go with that.

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I have tried that but I'm more concerned with how it spikes over 100 sometimes during the test. But yeah on speedtest.net it gets the speeds it's supposed to. I was also wondering why by base ping is 20 now instead of 15 like it's always been.

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14 hours ago, x12Tyler said:

I have tried that but I'm more concerned with how it spikes over 100 sometimes during the test. But yeah on speedtest.net it gets the speeds it's supposed to. I was also wondering why by base ping is 20 now instead of 15 like it's always been.

Where were you measuring your base ping prior? It's probably just your base ping to the closest server that Connection Benchmark uses is a bit higher.

Is the initial spike at the start of the under load test always present? Do you notice any spikes like this in-game?

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It don't always jump over to 100 or more but does jump, sometimes its to 40 sometimes 60 or 70 at different times, on the R2 there was a feature that ran a test and would configure it perfectly to be a straight line on the last test, why isn't there anything like that on this firmware for the xr500?

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42 minutes ago, x12Tyler said:

It don't always jump over to 100 or more but does jump, sometimes its to 40 sometimes 60 or 70 at different times, on the R2 there was a feature that ran a test and would configure it perfectly to be a straight line on the last test, why isn't there anything like that on this firmware for the xr500?

There will be yeah, what firmware version are you currently running?

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We're still improving upon the results given by Benchmark on the XR routers. I'd recommend experimenting with your Congestion Control percentages while following this guide and saturating the network with downloads/streams etc until you find what makes it the most stable.


Liam means the feature you're referring to Auto Setup for Congestion Control will come to the XR.

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