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DumaOS Hybrid VPN


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Hey there may be an answer to this already but I was not able to find it but I know for a fact my isp is throttling my internet service. Every night around 8:30 pm our download drops from 300-400 mps to around 18-30mps so will the VPN stop that? Or is there anything on DumaOS that can stop that?

I have also tried contacting them about this issue but they say it’s fixed and never is so I don’t know what else to do. I would go to another isp but they are the only company to offer internet in my area. 

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Who's your ISP? I'd first suggest reaching out the them and explaining that you're noticing this, see if they can explain why or prevent it.

If it's being throttled upstream by the ISP, there isn't anything a VPN or DumaOS can do to prevent it unfortunately.

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If that is the case, they are legally obligated to offer a certain amount of Bandwidth guaranteed and if it happens for too long a period of time you can file a complaint. It may be worth looking into this and filing a complaint with them but also there is probably a government body like the FCC for example that governs them, if you file a complaint with them it should move things forward.

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