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My R1 randomly looses internet


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I need help fixing my r1 router. everyday or so the router will seem to loose connection to the internet. For example my iPhone will be connected to the router via Wifi and it says connected but no internet connection.  I cant access the dashboard ( during this time either And the only way to fix the problem shortly is to reboot the router.  Ive tryed factory reseting the router in the past and that didnt seem to work. I also tryed disabling QoS and that seemed to slow it down? 

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Is it just Wi-Fi devices that are disconnecting?

Will the connection not restore itself eventually? Do you have to reboot it to get the connection back?

Are you able to access the DumaOS interface over a wired devices when this occurs?

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the wifi devices are not disconnecting from the network they are loosing internet connection and same goes for wired connection.
No the connection doesn't restore itself. Yes I have to unplug the power cord and plug it back in to get internet connection again.
No I cant access the DumaOS interface when it occurs. 

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  • Administrators

You said you factory reset in the past but did you do so after the update? If not then please do this as it clears low level code from the previous version and will prevent issues.

What is the modem/router the R1 is connected to? In DHCP settings set the lease time to 168 hours, then reboot from the interface wait 2 minutes before accessing and see if it is more stable after that.

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Ok I went ahead and factory reset the r1. 
The Netduma R1 Router is connected to Netgear Cable modem CM500.
My original thought was this problem has something to do with the DHCP because of the system logs. I changed the lease time from 12 to 24. and seemed to also slow down the problem.
I changed the lease time to 168 now.

I will reply again if the problem occurs again thank you.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Administrators

Thanks for the log, it does seem like Device Manager is failing which will have a knock on effect for the other Rapps. Did you want 2 minutes after the reboot before trying to connect/access? It may be worth reinstalling the firmware version. For the R2 we have discovered why this occurs and will be fixed in the next firmware so we should be able to apply it to the R1 as well.

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