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Keeps disconnecting from Internet


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1 hour ago, Kalido123 said:

I have had this issue a few times as well, Netduma R2 everything is fine then even wired connections lose internet.

I have to reboot the Router for it to connect again ? do we have a reason? household is getting frustrated.

The best thing to do would be to create your own topic with as much detail as possible about your issue. If you could include the below:

  • Are you able to access the DumaOS interface when this issue occurs? You can do this by going to in your browser
  • How frequent are the disconnections approximately?
  • Which firmware version are you running?
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1 hour ago, anonymous_g-_- said:

No mate. It occurs every now and then. It was ok after I changed settings

Since you've encountered the issue we do have the new firmware .394 which has a lot of stability improvements so I would recommend upgrading to that, wait 5 minutes, then factory reset from the interface and see if it appears more stable after that

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45 minutes ago, anonymous_g-_- said:

How do I upgrade to firmware .394?

You can download it from here: https://forum.netduma.com/topic/38047-new-r2-firmware-30394/

Then click the 3 dots icon top right of the interface and you can upload/upgrade from there.

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