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NetDuma Causing OBS Crashes


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Hello NetDuma Community,


I've been using the NetDuma R2 for the past couple days (used a Linksys Router prior) & I've been having trouble streaming using OBS. Every time I click Start Streaming, I see my stream preview on my channel dashboard & a green light on OBS (indicating an excellent connection) but then OBS will totally disconnect just a few seconds later. OBS then tries to reconnect & occasionally will stay reconnected anywhere from 1-60 seconds, only to disconnect again. I have no trouble playing games, browsing the web, watching YouTube/Twitch, or doing anything else online. It's also important to note that when OBS disconnects, I don't experience any lag or disconnects in whatever game I'm playing. I'm also confident that I'm streaming at a bitrate that my network can support & I've tried temporarily switching back to my old Linksys Router to confirm that it's not the fault of the streaming servers.


My NetDuma R2 is connected to my XFINITY Modem

I am using an ethernet connection

I've tried restarting both my XFINITY modem & NetDuma R2 many times

I've tried restoring my both my XFINITY modem & NetDuma R2 to factory settings

Speed tests all perform normally on both my old Linksys Router & the NetDuma R2

I've tried disabling QoS in my NetDuma R2 & while that did seem to decrease the amount of times OBS disconnected (could've been coincidence) it never fully resolved the issue. 


I love the dumaOS features & would love to continue using the router, but I need help resolving this issue. Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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Welcome to the forum!

How did you disable QoS? I'd suggest doing so by clicking the three-line menu in Congestion Control, then ticking 'Disable QoS'.

Could you confirm your exact Physical setup? Is the Xfinity in some kind of bridge/modem mode? If not, is the R2 in the Xfinity DMZ?

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4 hours ago, Netduma Liam said:

Welcome to the forum!

How did you disable QoS? I'd suggest doing so by clicking the three-line menu in Congestion Control, then ticking 'Disable QoS'.

Could you confirm your exact Physical setup? Is the Xfinity in some kind of bridge/modem mode? If not, is the R2 in the Xfinity DMZ?

Hey Liam! Yes, I disabled QoS as you described by ticking the actual ‘Disable QoS’ checkbox. 

I don’t have my XFINITY modem in any sort of bridge mode, but I do see that option in its settings. Would this be beneficial for me to enable? And no, I don’t currently have the NetDuma set to DMZ in my XFINITY settings. Would DMZing my NetDuma cause any security issues? Doesn’t it essentially open up all ports or something like that?

Thanks for responding & helping me troubleshoot!

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32 minutes ago, ProHenis said:

Hey Liam! Yes, I disabled QoS as you described by ticking the actual ‘Disable QoS’ checkbox. 

I don’t have my XFINITY modem in any sort of bridge mode, but I do see that option in its settings. Would this be beneficial for me to enable? And no, I don’t currently have the NetDuma set to DMZ in my XFINITY settings. Would DMZing my NetDuma cause any security issues? Doesn’t it essentially open up all ports or something like that?

Thanks for responding & helping me troubleshoot!

Yeah it could be an issue of traffic getting dropped at a port that OBS requires, hence why it disconnects.

I'd suggest putting the R2 in the Xfinity DMZ to avoid this. Don't worry, this isn't a security risk as the R2 has it's own firewall :) 

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11 hours ago, ProHenis said:

Hello NetDuma Community,


I've been using the NetDuma R2 for the past couple days (used a Linksys Router prior) & I've been having trouble streaming using OBS. Every time I click Start Streaming, I see my stream preview on my channel dashboard & a green light on OBS (indicating an excellent connection) but then OBS will totally disconnect just a few seconds later. OBS then tries to reconnect & occasionally will stay reconnected anywhere from 1-60 seconds, only to disconnect again. I have no trouble playing games, browsing the web, watching YouTube/Twitch, or doing anything else online. It's also important to note that when OBS disconnects, I don't experience any lag or disconnects in whatever game I'm playing. I'm also confident that I'm streaming at a bitrate that my network can support & I've tried temporarily switching back to my old Linksys Router to confirm that it's not the fault of the streaming servers.


My NetDuma R2 is connected to my XFINITY Modem

I am using an ethernet connection

I've tried restarting both my XFINITY modem & NetDuma R2 many times

I've tried restoring my both my XFINITY modem & NetDuma R2 to factory settings

Speed tests all perform normally on both my old Linksys Router & the NetDuma R2

I've tried disabling QoS in my NetDuma R2 & while that did seem to decrease the amount of times OBS disconnected (could've been coincidence) it never fully resolved the issue. 


I love the dumaOS features & would love to continue using the router, but I need help resolving this issue. Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated!


My wife had the same problem,

it's not the router or your connection.

It's just obs bug, that's a link to update and tell me if it works:


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2 hours ago, Netduma Liam said:

Yeah it could be an issue of traffic getting dropped at a port that OBS requires, hence why it disconnects.

I'd suggest putting the R2 in the Xfinity DMZ to avoid this. Don't worry, this isn't a security risk as the R2 has it's own firewall :) 

I added the R2 into my XFINITY modem's DMZ, but that didn't seem to change anything. (still going to leave it as is because it makes port forwarding a lot easier haha)

I'm hesitant to conclude it's a bandwidth issue on my end since I get an average upload of 40,000Kbps on my speed tests & I'm only trying to stream at 25,000Kbps to YouTube.

I'm currently in contact with YouTube to see if they have any suggestions or if there's been any related issues. (screenshot of my email to them attached) I'll do my best to update this thread if I learn anything that might be helpful!



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1 hour ago, Densha-Warrior said:


My wife had the same problem,

it's not the router or your connection.

It's just obs bug, that's a link to update and tell me if it works:


Hey Densha-Warrior! Thanks so much for linking me that. I installed the update but unfortunately it didn't seem to fix the issues I'm having. I love the new YouTube integration features so I'm definitely gonna keep using it :) 

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