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UPNP Button Does not turn on / stick

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Everytime I try to check the UPNP in my XR1000 DumaOS and click "Apply", the screen will do a quick refresh and the check will disapear, it does not stick. My UPNP setting seems to be bugged and I cannot turn it on. I tried the Reset router button located on the back of my router. Does anyone know a fix? The only thing I haven't tried is Backup settings - > Factory default /erase

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2 hours ago, Netduma Liam said:

Welcome to the forum!

Are you on the latest beta firmware? If so, we've made Netgear aware of this issue, it will be fixed for the next firmware.

If you're having NAT issues, let us know and we can look into working around this for you!

Is there a beta firmware?  I haven't seen one.

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I am pretty sure I am on FW .58 and the UPnP check box still not working, I can check when I get home.  However UpnP should still work.  As I have I noticed that same issue with the upnp box not ticked. One way to tell is if it's enabled is to check the box and click apply button, if the router does not reboot, its enabled.  If the router reboots after ticking the UPnP box and clicking apply it was not enabled.  Also by seeing your console on the upnp screen is another indicator that's upnp is working.


Anyway if you update your FW and the issue is resolved please let us know!

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32 minutes ago, Netduma Liam said:

There was one released by Netgear about a month ago maybe, it ends in .58.

You can download it here if you don't have it: https://www.netgear.com/support/product/xr1000.aspx#Firmware Version

.58 isn't marked as beta anywhere, and the check box doesn't work at all.  As XSXS mentioned it still appears to be functioning, so it's just odd.

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