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Netduma... Where's the truth?


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Hi everybody, 

I know that I'm a rude guy but I act like that when I think they took me for a dumb.. 

Really we have all the same problem.. We suffer about one delay one side. 

All says their connection are perfect but they still have delay how it's possible...

Im not a technician or a engineer.... U says often that with our ping or setup we didn't have delay  for playing but we still have delay... 

We try to find solution in this forum but the result is the same and the frustration become so Huge... 

How many people here have resolved her problems... 


Can you give us some specific tutorials for our connexion in France but I think if we are always here it's becoz  your first router R1 was a Full success and we think that u can do it again. 

For example U can choose guys in this forum with differents French isp and test with them firmware.... 

So many solutions are possible 

All is possible to those who believe.. 

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Shoot first die first isn't an inherent router problem or necessarily an issue on your side, it's most likely processing delay on the server side, in which case forcing other servers is advised. If the Geo-Filter shows a low ping and QoS is setup to ensure you don't have any local congestion then you're good on your side. We cannot guarantee perfect games every single time, there are other variables that will affect that. There are no need for specific country tutorials as it's the same for each country and nothing specifically has to be set depending on country. Many people are talking about lowering MTU to a low value and some are having success, that might be something you could try.

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I have tried your last tip with mtu..that do anything for me... 

I know all games can't be perfect and there are a lot of parameters that can affect the connection but like you have already said I always choose the best servers with the low ping and the results are the same with  worse servers  and high ping... It's uncanny.... 

I know script.. Netcode... But it isn't my main problem, mine is always the same  awful delay night and day in one side delay... 

I have tried dsl vdsl 4g different isp... 

I hv a  personal anecdote to share with you... When I was in Spain ( Salou) I connected me in wifi with my Xbox in my house lol... Gameplay was so awesome and smooth.. 

I do the same thing when I was in Ireland... Omg it's crazy I never encountered lag...  I can't make a conclusion but something weird rolled out. 

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A tout hasard, est ce que tu utilises le geo filtre ? Parce que ce que tu décris, c'est ce qui m'arrivait sur le serveur de Paris ; pour que ça touche mieux, je me mettais en Allemagne ou le mieux que j'avais, c'était aux Pays-Bas 👍 ce que je fais aussi, c'est de ne PAS jouer en étant en Nat ouvert ; j'ai la fibre depuis peu, et en étant en ouvert sur 2 3 jours.. les shoot 2st die 1st, j'ai arrêté de les compter au bout de 30 min 🤣

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Lol I have already use the support netduma . All is perfect... I use pingplotter...  xtra software since longtime no improvement... 

Habloo j'ai testé aussi je me mettais en Espagne je touchais un peu plus mais c'est pas le graal lol... 

La route est longue.. Mais comme on dit never give up !!! 😂😂😂

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Essaye les Pays Bas ou l'Allemagne, c'était vraiment pas mal ;) au cas où, pense bien à désactiver le Geo filtre quand tu arrêtes de jouer et active le juste après avoir démarrer ton jeu ; en ping assist 0ms et je mettais 300km (je suis dans l'ouest de la France). 🙂


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I have the same issues.... Any congestion... Graphics pingplotter are very stable... 

I have a remark.. I have to limit my 1giga download to 20 Mbps to have a litte  buffer on my download .. Why? My cables aren't defect catégorie 7....

When I test my speed on dsl reports.. Speed test... Fast... Wavform... Nperf, my download isn't t the same but my upload is.? 

When I test my jitter I'm unless 1ms...

Habloo tu joues sur quelle console c koi ton ping en Allemagne ou pays bas... Serveur dédié ou p2p? 

Moi j'habite sud ouest donc c'est peut être pour cela que je touchais mieux en Espagne.. Mais vu le routage de nos Fai.. Je passe souvent par Paris ce qui est dingue et peut-être rajoute de la latence sur les réseaux... 

Je vais tester tes serveurs sur warzone bien sûr... On ne sait jamais... 

May be tomorrow... 

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That looks all good really, quite a good stable connection overall, there is no inherent issue there so not necessarily something QoS can fine tune to make better - although you could try throttling your speeds, some people find that helps. Gaming uses very little bandwidth never really more than 1Mbps and usually a lot less. The only other thing to do is try different servers, close ones and some further away. There is nothing so far to indicate an issue on your side.

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IMG_20210911_123954.thumb.jpg.dd10b2454e4ade76e701e1e1feb77394.jpgThanks for advices... 

I have last night fix my best throttling on my Xbox... Looks my dslreports 

Now I will try find the best server... Which is better dedicated Ou P2p... 

And another question what about the best ticket rate? Can we have select the best? 

On xbox  mtu is 1480 when I try to modify it on my router. Nothing appears...   except when I put mtu  below 1410... It's not  freaky... 

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Great! As you're playing CoD they only use dedicated servers, if you see a peer on the Geo-Filter that is the host then it is misclassified and is actually a server. You can't determine tick rate, it's up to the game to decide that unfortunately. The console may not accurately reflect the MTU change but it will adhere to what the router sets.

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