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unstable connection help?


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 Network Setup At&t DSL gateway modem wifi is disable nothing else connected but the R2 all connection through my home network are handled by the r2 wired or wireless my gaming pc is is wired through a cat5e  my connection recently has been very unstable typically best i can get ping wise is around 20ms with very minimal spikes  in the graph when doing ping test recently its been  around 60ms when doing the QOS setup feature no matter the time of day my QOS setup is very deferent each time i use it and nothing seems to help even if i move it manually regarding my connection.  My ping in games jumps around a ton recently if my connection is good its stays around the same number example 39ms ping might go up 10ms or so through a game now recently its jumping all over the place  it will fluctuate like crazy and its not stable at all. something seems off just looking for any help i can get thanks.

Desktop Screenshot 2021.09.08 -

Desktop Screenshot 2021.09.08 - (2).png

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sadly my only internet option is  6mbps download and not even a 0.5mbps  upload typical good ping for me is around 35ms but only getting this if im the only one on the connection at non peak times currently been seeing ping in the 100ms range and not very stable jumps around a lot

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10 hours ago, Landon said:

sadly my only internet option is  6mbps download and not even a 0.5mbps  upload typical good ping for me is around 35ms but only getting this if im the only one on the connection at non peak times currently been seeing ping in the 100ms range and not very stable jumps around a lot

Are you seeing these ping results in-game or on Geo-filter? What is the difference between the two?

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