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Denying bad hops through autoping?


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So i have a question. I'm at the point where 1 particular game that I play is the only game that lags. And it lags bad.
I believe I've narrowed it down to a few bad hops along the traceroute to the server that are strongly affecting my in game connection as a few of these hops tend to spike to 400ms + ping at random times.

Now with auto ping, whatever server you're connected to, it gives you the ip of it.
Is it possible to:
1) run my ping plotter to the game server
2) take note of a hop that is causing me these issues
3) run another ping plotter to the ip of the hop that is causing me issues...
4) go back into dumaOS and if/when it auto pings the bad hop that I'm testing, I put it in my deny list to avoid it.

Would that work?

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No it would not.


Routing is determined in the ARP tables of the hops along the way, so at your ISP and other network the traffic crosses. The only way is denying the servers that lag for you.

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