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router keeps cutting out from the internet

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Hi Guys having a little problem with my router all of a sudden it drops from internet and I'm having to reboot allot! does anyone know of this issue also what's the fix or maybe I should come off the beta and upgrade firmware! is there a new one because its cutting out allot and I'm on a commercial line? i would like to add i have been switching between ipv6 and ipv4 but sometimes it drops people out when using another router as an access point! do you think that's what triggered it ?




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Which router and which firmware version are you using currently?

Is it both wired and wireless devices that disconnect? 

Access Point is unlikely to be causing it unless devices connected to that are the only ones disconnecting

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That's an old version, upgrade to this version which should help with your issue: https://community.netgear.com/t5/Nighthawk-Pro-Gaming-DumaOS-3-0/New-Firmware-v2-3-2-120-XR500/td-p/2071196/

I'd recommend you do a factory reset after to ensure no issues carry over. No just enable/disable that's all you have to do for IPv6.

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