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Hybrid VPN started lagging


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Using a VPN through the HybridVPN feature will slow down your speeds, it's advised if you need to use it on a PC to apply it to only the services/applications/ports you need so everything else runs through your normal connection

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I dont know if u can help me with it, but I found out how to hide geo location while playing in vpn. I just select do not vpn ports 1-65535 to 3074 TCP UDP and 1-65535 to 30000-45000 TCP UDP. But it lags now, is there a way to reverse it into a "Only vpn these ports"? 

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43 minutes ago, AirsT said:

I dont know if u can help me with it, but I found out how to hide geo location while playing in vpn. I just select do not vpn ports 1-65535 to 3074 TCP UDP and 1-65535 to 30000-45000 TCP UDP. But it lags now, is there a way to reverse it into a "Only vpn these ports"? 

That's not hiding Geo-location, it just means the ports you've entered are running on your normal connection not through the VPN. Yes choose Only VPN these services instead of Do NOT VPN these services

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45 minutes ago, AirsT said:

Yeah I mean in game it no more shows the hidden location while game auth is checking it even if game's mmaking still goes in vpn 

That location is just looking up where your IP is located, it won't necessarily have an impact on matchmaking

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Speedtest is working fine, ip location sites tell me the vpn ip and games don't as I wanted to. Now I only need ports to let livestream work fine on twitch and youtube. I tried using ur services but it overlaps. 

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56 minutes ago, AirsT said:

Speedtest is working fine, ip location sites tell me the vpn ip and games don't as I wanted to. Now I only need ports to let livestream work fine on twitch and youtube. I tried using ur services but it overlaps. 

Are you livestreaming, or are you watching a livestream?

Twitch and possibly YouTube use port 1935, so try adding that. 

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Just now, AirsT said:

I stream, I did prio it but it still doesn't work. The only solution I found was prio 443 tcp but it does reveal my ip in sites

Yeah 443 is HTTPS so that will not VPN any web traffic pretty much.

What services do you specifically want to VPN? Would it not be easier to only VPN specific services rather than not VPNing lots of services?

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5 minutes ago, AirsT said:

yh it would be easier but the fact is I have no way to determine which ports are used by game, tried using the cmd but it didn't work out

You mentioned above you don't want the games going through the VPN, so you won't need to find their ports as no configuration will be required.

You would only need to add the specific services you want to VPN.

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