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connection problem


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hi I bought the netduma recently, after mounting it I tried a bit to surf with the pc .. the problem is that it does not load the internet pages the first time but after a while I update the page .. I also have problems connecting to discord or to some online game why?Cattura1.thumb.PNG.f42cb5961fcf2384ee000eef0c608266.PNG

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3 minutes ago, Rele said:

yes i did the first setup and even if the internet works the problem is that persists from these errors

Are you seeing this issue on all devices? How are they connected to the R2? Via wired or wireless?

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25 minutes ago, Rele said:

the wifi does not connect to any device I try .. now I am with the pc via LAN

When you say the Wi-Fi won't connect, what error are you seeing exactly? Is it suggesting that the password is wrong?

Are you able to access the dumaOS interface in your web browser via If so, could you run a connection benchmark and post the results? If not, what results from speedtest.net are you getting when connected directly to the R2?

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What speeds do you get from your ISP? Could you run a speed test from speedtest.net and post the results here?

Could you please also go to Network settings -> LAN -> Wi-Fi and check that the password listed here matches the password on the bottom of the R2?

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OK so you're not really using QoS, but given that you get good speeds from your ISP I don't see that as being the problem.

What problems are you experiencing on Discord? Are people unable to hear you or are you unable to connect to servers for example?

What about in-game? Are you getting any error messages there? 

Do you have Geo-filter enabled?


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ho provato a staccare il cavo lan dal netduma e attaccarlo al pc solo che questo problema é rimasto quindi ho fatto qualche ricerca dove dopo sono andato a cambiare le porte ipv4 alternative da li é tornato a funzionare quindi vado ad riattaccare il netduma e continua a darmi lo stesso problema

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adblock is not active. and geofilter is disabled for this game

I tried to unplug the lan cable from the netduma and attach it to the pc only this problem remained so I did some research where after I went to change the alternative ipv4 ports from there it came back to work so I go to reattach the netduma and continues to give me the same problem

it appears that it cannot connect to the servers

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