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xr300 and xfinity xb7. Nat type ?

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EDIT: this is for pc and not console if that matters.

So i have gig internet from xfinity. which uses the xb7 modem.

i just purchased the xr300 and i got it all set up, i have internet through the xr300 but my nat type is moderate, but when i connect through the xb7 its open..

i went through and forwarded the ports on the xr300 ( multiple tries ) and it is still reading nat type moderate...

this is happening on COD, warzone, modern warfare, and cold war

any help is appreciated.


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Are all devices connected to the XR300 or are some still connected to the XB7?

If you go the XR300 interface and go to Settings -> Advanced -> WAN setup and change NAT filtering to Open, is your NAT open in game?

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Thank you, 

at the moment i do not have any devices connected except for my pc, and it is connected via ethernet not wifi. all other devices are still through xb7 for the time being.

i went to settings, wan setup, switched the nat filter from secured to open, and it is still moderated in game.


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Yes, i got the xr Wan ip from system info, internet status, Wan IP, and put in under dmz on my xb.

dmz on the xb reads  dmz status: enabled ip address: "the ip that shows up under wan ip in system info"

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i do not have anything added into geo filter, i assume that means its disabled? as i do not see any other way to enable/disable other than adding/removing a device.

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Yes that means its disabled, when added you can switch to spectating mode to disable it. Go to the Xbox Networking settings on Windows, do the test - it will most likely fail, then fix it, do another test, does it show open? If so then boot up the game, is it open then?

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i ran the first test, it says 

nat type : open

server connectivity: blocked, this could block you from playing multiplayer games.

hit fix it: and still reads as above.

and still shows in game nat type moderate, even after restarting pc.


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