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QoS Glitch?


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Im not sure if this has been posted yet (Also not sure if its just with the XR1000 or whatever either) but I noticed when you switch in between applications and devices in the QoS area if you have the share access unticked for download and upload EVEN THOUGH it basically says 50/50 or whatever reset distribution between the devices if you test the connection it will still have what you set with the untick/bandwidth allocation so to give an example I have 2 devices on my XR1000 and I did what I said above and it says "50/50" & that for me would be 200 down & 5 up (cause I have 400 down and 10 up total) but instead on my Xb1 it recorded what I set before instead with 5 on Xb1 & 95 on PC Download & 30 Xb1 & 70 PC Upload instead of what its showing me on the 50/50 like it shows on the QoS 

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Hindsight though I don't really have a problem with it cause im all for when you switch between apps/devices it records whatever QoS you previously had set for devices/apps but I figured I'd bring it up in the forums anyway cause I see how this could be a problem for others :)

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Thanks for raising this concern!

Just to make sure I understand:

  • You've got two devices connected to the XR
  • In Bandwidth allocation, share excess is disabled and the distribution is set to give 50% bandwidth to both devices.
  • When you test your speeds, it appears to show whatever distribution you previously had configured?

If you hit 'Update Distribution' again after testing this, do the speeds change to what you have configured in QoS or no?

Let me know if I've missed anything.

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Its about right of what I just said although earlier it registered as what I posted but now it basically gets more bandwidth but not 50% of my bandwidth even though it says 50/50 I tested it twice and registered 100 & 75 when I should've gotten 200 though I think it might be partially cause when I hit reset distribution & refresh the page it switches to apps instead of devices and goes from there instead of instead of just resetting the distribution on devices and staying with devices.

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If you re-enable share excess, then reset distribution on Applications, set the distribution, and update it then disable share excess does it adhere to it? Also which applications have you set the bandwidth to?

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So you want me to do the same as I did on apps this time to see if it happens there as well? Also currently I only had my PC & XB1 the PC set on 95 & 5 for XB1 on download & PC 70/XB1 30 upload 

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9 hours ago, D3mon1c said:

So you want me to do the same as I did on apps this time to see if it happens there as well? Also currently I only had my PC & XB1 the PC set on 95 & 5 for XB1 on download & PC 70/XB1 30 upload 

Yes, let us know the results please. 

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It doesn't seem to be a problem there put the web part at 70% and I got about that much after the test which should've been 280 but I got 272... I only set the web category to make things easier cause im not 100% about apps than devices cause I usually only use the Device option when it comes to setting bandwidth

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Same on devices it recorded the bandwidth I set for it but as soon as I refreshed the page for the interface it says 50/50 afterwards BUT still records the last setting I had when I tested bandwidth which I had set for my XB1 10 & 90 PC which is 40 down for xbox & 360 down for PC also idk if this was intentional but every time I hit reset distribution it switches over to apps from devices but it seems like the only time it stays on devices is when I untick share access on download or whatever but otherwise it'll always flip over to apps with the distribution resetted 4rm there after you refresh the page or go back into QoS

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