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XR1000 - Router Crash and DNS question

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Hello NetDuma-Team,

my router just crashed out of the blue and since the log is not persistent I can not reconstruct the issue. I know nothing is perfect but that is strange that the router just crashed.

Is there a way to have Persistent Logs? Like this even after a reboot it is possible to see what happened before it crashed. 

Got an idea why there is no Adbocker on the Netgear XR1000 and it is because of the Netgear Armor Service that acts as a DNS Server for the internal Network with un-transparent blocklists... 

DNS Chain:

PC ----> Netgear Armor(XR1000) ----> Uplink DNS (Cloudflare) 

As an idea for people that do not want to use that Service a switch to the DumaOS V3 Adblocker would be awesome. ;) 



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No it's not possible to have the logs persist after a reboot unfortunately. By crash do you mean the whole internet dropped and didn't re-establish itself? It's possible more features could be included in future but it's not currently planned.

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With Crash I truly mean the device was unresponsive.

Ping to Router was possible but http / https and iOS Application could not connect to Web-Interface of the router. (192.168.1.x) 

Checked IPs and ISP Modem - ISP Modem was in Sync and delivered an IP to WAN Interface of Router - So the issue is truly that the router just stopped functioning by itself. 

Best regards


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11 hours ago, Valvaris said:

With Crash I truly mean the device was unresponsive.

Ping to Router was possible but http / https and iOS Application could not connect to Web-Interface of the router. (192.168.1.x) 

Checked IPs and ISP Modem - ISP Modem was in Sync and delivered an IP to WAN Interface of Router - So the issue is truly that the router just stopped functioning by itself. 

Best regards


Presumably you needed to reboot the router to get it back up again? Has the issue occured since? 

Could you give us an idea of the devices connected to the XR and your rough physical setup? How many devices are we talking approximately and how many devices are relying on DHCP for an IP?

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Hello Liam,

yes after a restart all is back but had issues first with the 5Ghz  Antenna and LED Settings had to save them again to have it active. 

Device List

DHCP on all but Devices have reserved leases in Settings via MAC address
LAN1 Interface -> Laptop 
LAN2 Interface -> Sophos RED Appliance
LAN3 Interface -> Phillips Hub

5Ghz WiFi
Device 1 -> iPhone 1
Device 2 -> iPhone 2
Device 3 -> Amazon Show

Issue did happen till now again... lets see...

Best regards

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Hello @Netduma Fraser,

the router is connected to a connector strip with surge protection -> DIGITUS: DIGITUS - Produkte <- English Product Site.

What was in use at the given time - Almost like every day:

Work Laptop connected via LAN to Sophos RED that is connected to the Router XR1000
Work Laptop connected at the same time to WiFi 5G to internal LAN

Work Laptop workload:
Business Applications over Sophos RED Site to Site VPN Tunnel / Split Tunnel for HTTP and HTTPs requests.
RDP Connection to Private Laptop.

Private Laptop connected via LAN to XR1000 doing Streaming (Youtube / Netflix and light browsing) also connected via RDP to Work Laptop.

Amazon Show is always on but nothing I can do about that but was not activly doing stuff at the time.

2x iPhone connected to WiFi but no activity at the given time - Maybe App-Updates.

Hope this helps...

Best regards

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Happened again... this time with much less workload. -.-

Maybe I am unlucky and got a faulty device. Rebuild my Network with a OPNsense Appliance and Ubiquity AP at least everything is working again. Since the logs are not persistent I can not see what the last action was on the device! Or at least a Debug Mode with much more granular logs on device behavior for better troubleshooting. 

Sending the Netgear XR1000 back to Amazon.

Thank you for your help NetDuma-Team


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There is more we can do but I appreciate you may not want to troubleshoot further. If you do let us know and we'll be happy to help. We do hope you'll consider a DumaOS powered router again in the future.

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