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What router are you using the XR500? What firmware version did you upgrade to? We always recommend a factory reset after an upgrade for a fresh installation, either way if you reboot the router from the interface it should resolve that.

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  • Administrators

Factory reset is recommended across all routers after installing new firmware as it removes old low level code from the previous version that could cause issues. What is the issue you're having with WiFi?

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  • Administrators

I assume you installed the .114 that wasn't the beta which is why you don't have access to those features. The beta versions always have to be installed manually, the latest can be found here: https://community.netgear.com/t5/Nighthawk-Pro-Gaming-DumaOS-3-0/New-Firmware-v2-3-2-120-XR500/td-p/2071196

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Yes mesh is showing up and my other devices are connecting to it. The connection is there. On a speed test the ping is 85 and 250mbs but it takes along time to get it actually connected.


However it isnt showing on network montior 

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