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suggestions ♥


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i have a idle ping of 10-12 ms once in a great while (rare) i will get a ping spikes to 15-19 ms


in Congestion control auto set up "advanced" there is a feature called "anti spikes"


i have set the Anti spike on the recommended value of around 10-15-20! 

 but when i set it to those values my download slider remains at 100% should i decrease the anti spike to a value of 5-10 ms?


Put yourself in my shoes for a second!

if you had an idle ping of 10-12 ms and if the idle did spike it was only to 15-19 ms what would you set your MAX Anti Spike to?  



i feel like this would help others in the future as well♥

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The ping spikes aren't terrible so that's good - I assume they happen on the base ping without any local congestion in which case QoS can't counteract that. However, I would suggest a value of 10ms for spikes and see what it suggests. We're still improving that feature so would suggest you also experiment with how different Congestion Control percentages feel when playing

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