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VPN on console Destiny 2

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A VPN will not get you round their matchmaking system and if they've blocked any VPN servers you'll run into more issues, will also increase your latency.

Try a few different servers and see if it allows you to connect.


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4 hours ago, bullski01 said:

Hi. I set up an add rule and I can search for a game 3 vs 3 and when we find a team a enable the rule and it let's me fly into the game and not matching against the other team i get a free win. The only problem is that my 2 team mates stay in match making as well as they cant pass the rule . Anyway around this to get them to have the free win as well. Thanks chris 

Are you matching against another team you're controlling or just a random team you're not controlling? 

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10 hours ago, bullski01 said:


This guy is a ddosser he can ddos people this is against bungie and also against steam sdr . It's against tos and he risk solicitor 

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21 hours ago, bullski01 said:

But yes it's a random.team 

Does your team get sent back to orbit with no win and no loss? And how do you know what happens to the other team if you're not also controlling the other team? As long as the other team doesn't get a loss or error codes to orbit; its technically not against ToS. And yes, if this method causes the other team to get an error code and it kicks them from match making even if it doesn't give them a loss it counts as interfering and ruining other people's time in the game, which is against ToS, so as long as the other team only ever sees 6/6 and then It drops to 3/6 when you do your thing it is fine. 


And if it really works and doesn't mess with the other team the only way I could see getting your friends wins too would be if you were all on the same network. If you could get it to load your friends it would load the other team too, its only working because it halts everyone but you from joining. 

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