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Missing profiles

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Support is U.K. based so it’s just 7.15am here and Fraser or Liam will pop in as soon as they see this.

If something has gone belly up, not working as intended or you think you have an issue first try a reboot of the router and if that fails a reset of the router is required using the rear pin hole method. That will set the router back to default settings and you will need to set it up again.

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Profiles really only changes the distances on the Geo-Filter so it's not too important as you can change it manually.

Can you try a different web browser please and if it doesn't work right click the profile selector box and choose inspect element and provide a screenshot.

Also if you could take screenshots like this it would be helpful https://www.howtogeek.com/226280/how-to-take-screenshots-in-windows-10/

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10 hours ago, D2smoke said:

So wait I don't have to change the game profile so if it was on destiny and then I go play call of duty I won't have to switch the profile. And yes i will try a different web browser and get back to you by Monday. @Netduma Fraser

No you don't need to do that, you can just adjust the radius distance manually and you're good to go! Okay great thanks!

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1 hour ago, D2smoke said:

@Netduma Fraser last question. I having issues while playing destiny 2.while using the geofilter to allow people in. People would join on me but there icons wouldn't show up on destiny 2 on the map. Is this because of the SRD? SORRY

Yes it is as they're connecting via servers now

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