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Might sound stupid...

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Hi Guys, so i have to use the old software .20 on my XR700 so that the wifi works. Any update and the wifi will not work. Kinda sucks but it is what it is! 

Question is if i connect the wifi to the BT router, will the QoS still then work on the XR700 and prioritize my gaming PC over all wifi. Or will the wifi not have any QoS and be prioritized before the internet hits the XR700 if that makes sense. 

I just want to update my router, dunno why... i just like being up to date with everything 🤣

My system is

Modem >> BT Router >> XR700


Gaming PC wired into XR700 and all wifi on XR700 atm. My thought is because the BT router is before the XR700 the QoS wont then work for the XR700 PC. 



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The XR700 needs full control of all devices, if you use the BT router for WiFi ny devices connected to that will not be controlled by the QoS on the XR700.

With such an old firmware version you are open to security issues. Perhaps you should try updating or even the 3.0 beta and ls perform a factory reset after updating and then setup as new and never use a saved profile config.


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1 hour ago, Newfie said:

The XR700 needs full control of all devices, if you use the BT router for WiFi ny devices connected to that will not be controlled by the QoS on the XR700.

With such an old firmware version you are open to security issues. Perhaps you should try updating or even the 3.0 beta and ls perform a factory reset after updating and then setup as new and never use a saved profile config.


Tried all this, literally nothing works. Its hit and miss, i may reboot and it all works fine on the latest and the 3.0, but if the router restarts then it will all stop again. We have a few powercuts so its impossible to stop it rebooting if u get me! 

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