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Help plz, my new R2 power on led stay on but nothing happens.


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Hello,  I was planning on setting up my new R2, but after a first try of connecting it, the power on led stay on but nothing happens. I try to hard reset it, but no luck. I've tried to unplug it for 10 min and retry but still nothing happens. I also try to connect it with a laptop that is connected with an ethernet cable but still no luck ...  what can i still do ... ?  Any suggestions plz...?

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No i haven't been able to access the interface on  even with a lan cable connected to my laptop. I followed the setup guide to the letter   It doesn't connect at all. Even when i try to access the page of my ispn internetprovider... Only thing that the R2 does is switching the power led on and it just stay like that. When i switch back to my old router, everything is fine.

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