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Help new user can’t get into the link


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I just received my netduma r2 and having issues left and right with setup. I currently have spectrum gig up and down. After calling spectrum to refresh the signal of the modem to resync with the r2 that finally allowed me to connect to wifi with my computer and lan with ps4 but won’t allow me to connect to my iPhone via wifi.  Also when I go to that IP Address it says it need to put username and password but everything I’m putting in says it’s wrong and I just created everything so I don’t see how it won’t accept it. I really had high expectations for this router but so far it’s just been a huge hassle trying to get set up. Any and all advice is welcomed I’m really just upset because I can’t play. please someone point out what I’m doing wrong so I can relax and not see red like I’m doing now. 

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear you're having these issues. Just to confirm, have you managed to complete the setup wizard on the interface yet? If not then the credentials will be admin & password that should allow you access to then complete it. If you have already done the setup wizard then you would have had the opportunity to change those details. 

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