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MTU Setting Automatic?


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I noticed that using the Wizard to setup my connection (ADSL PPPoE), leaves the setting for the MTU on the WAN Menu untouched. Does this mean that the router sets the MTU automatically to 1492, and it just does not show? or Should I override the setting manually?


#thanks for the Wisdom


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That would be correct.. It automatically sets it and doesnt show it..  I personally would like it to show what it does automatically detect though as good useful info just in case something was off per say.. If you want to manually input your mtu value in that also would be fine.. But if your fine with it automatically detecting it and not showing your mtu value then you can just leave it alone.. Its all up to you! :) 



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As above! If you do decide to change it make sure you look up how to change it so that you don't suffer fragmentation. Really though changing MTU is unlikely to give you any noticeable difference online.

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