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Geo filter stopped working

Oren Tasuna

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It has come to a point where the router feels like a parody on routers.

I given up on Wi-Fi, disabled it completely and connected a Deco for Wi-Fi (which BTW provides exponentially faster, consistent and stable Wi-Fi than the router) , and since then Geo Filter became a complete mess. every couple of minutes it starts complaining of Rapp not loaded, and only reboot helps (until the next time it happens after a few minutes).

I really don't understand how such a simple component that only draws a couple of shapes on top of a static map can fail so consistently, and I really don't know what else to do. Reboot router? done every few minutes; Increase retries? Done (why do I even need to set it my self and why do you even have components that need several retries to load?); Factory reset? done also. Does this really seem to you like a normal user experience? does your developers even check the version they release every 6 months before they release it? because there is no way a tested version would be released in this state.

Geo filter is the only reason I don't replace your router with literally any other router, and this also stopped working. any suggestions?

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Did not clear cache, did try in incognito mode and disable cache (in developer tools), none of them worked - I always get an unclear "uncaught undefined" message followed by repeating "This Rapp is not loaded yet" messages. happens also on Edge which I never use.

You should really be able to provide patches on at least a weekly basis, it is unreasonable that we'll that we'll have to wait for months again until next version which will also be buggy based on this version. It is not even an hardware issue, just a web component that doesn't load, you should able to fix it long ago. 

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I assume you're on the .205 firmware? If so I'd suggest re-upgrading to that to ensure there wasn't a corruption when upgrading the first time, factory reset after that is up to you but I would advise it. The Geo-Filter is one of the most complicated features and it by no means happens to everyone, there will always be bugs in any software and we'll continue to fix them. Thanks for the feedback.

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Go filter maybe complex in terms of filtering correctly, not in terms of it's UI which is basically drawing simple shapes on top of a static map - especially when not yet trying to find any opponent, just opening the Geo filter tab.

Also, under no circumstances should it refuse to load and require re-upgrading and factory reset or other steps like clearing cache (which BTW are all guesses, not real troubleshooting steps). this is simply not acceptable for a user experience.
If you can't recover from whatever is making this consistently not load or start showing the "Rapp not loaded yet" message after already loaded, then at least provide a way to clear what ever is preventing it from loading. 

This version took several long months to be released, with focus (according to change log) on UI. It's simply absurd that it is still in such horrible state.

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I am having the same issues, received my R2 a few days ago, and most of the apps just wont load, or when they do, they are basically unresponsive. However the biggest culprit is the GEO Filter. Will only load once after a factory reset, which I have done 3 times, as well as a reboot, I have tried all 3 major browsers, and cleared cache and history on all three to no avail. I did also revert to .179 but quickly went back to .205 because it was way worse. I have a small house, I'm okay with the wifi, but the geo filter wont load or errors, or is completely unresponsive no matter what I try. The add device button does not work and the gui switch to turn it on and off just doesn't even appear, it just keeps giving me RAPP errors. Any help is much appreciated.

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4 hours ago, Oren Tasuna said:

Can't tell, didn't use it yet

Okay keep us posted!

2 hours ago, Zachery said:

I am having the same issues, received my R2 a few days ago, and most of the apps just wont load, or when they do, they are basically unresponsive. However the biggest culprit is the GEO Filter. Will only load once after a factory reset, which I have done 3 times, as well as a reboot, I have tried all 3 major browsers, and cleared cache and history on all three to no avail. I did also revert to .179 but quickly went back to .205 because it was way worse. I have a small house, I'm okay with the wifi, but the geo filter wont load or errors, or is completely unresponsive no matter what I try. The add device button does not work and the gui switch to turn it on and off just doesn't even appear, it just keeps giving me RAPP errors. Any help is much appreciated.

Hey, welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear you're having this issue. It would be best to create your own topic so we can focus on you. In the System Information page, on the Rapp panel options change the retries to 5 then reboot from the interface. What is your exact physical setup?

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Yes, I see sometimes the following message "Retrying rpc assume reboot: ..." which is part of the GeoFilter retry flow.

I see in the comments to this flow the following dev comment:
    * On some platforms the server resets based on extraneous
    * events. A request may be unlucky and try connect to a 
    * closed socket and recieve reset. Just retry till the server
    * hopefully comes up. 

So I guess some server is down until reboot (and reties number is edffectively irrelevant).

What can those "extraneous events"? also, I can't see how Deco can be related. It happened also before the Deco, I was just rebooting anyways because of Wi-Fi disconnections...

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It became completely ridiculous, Geo Filter now stops working every 10 minutes.

Is it not enough that I had to use Deco for WiFi? Is this router completely useless? Does rebooting the router every 10 minutes seem like an acceptable user experience? If you release a version every several months, at least have someone of the developers team check what's wrong and what can be done. I repeat, at this point the router is completely useless, you should find a way to help resolve this.

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Also, tell your developers that after retries exceed maximum retries and they decide to display a message that says to try again in one minute - reset retries afterwards. this will actually try to load again and not just create an infinite message loop

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12 hours ago, Oren Tasuna said:

Router is already in the drawer, returned to my ISP router. BY FAR THE WORST PRODUCT I EVER HAD. I appreciate your responsiveness, but I had enough.

Thanks for your perseverance nonetheless, if you'd like to continue troubleshooting at any point just let us know! 

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