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Netduma R2 will not connect to internet.


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Just received my Netduma R2 today after a long wait. I was very excited to get it up and running to replace my Xfinity modem/router combo. I purchased a Netgear cm700 as my new modem and activated it. I tested the modem and internet connection, everything works great. When I connected my new Netduma R2 and ran the setup wizard it says it can not find an internet connection. I've tried all of the troubleshooting techniques recommended on this forum. Nothing works :( Could it be my ISP blocking the R2? 

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If you were able to go through the setup wizard of the R2 then you should of made a connection.. So did you go through the setup wizard of the R2? If you come to the part where it says cant detect your connection power cycle just your new modem then let the modem fully boot back up and then click retry to detect your connection.. That should get you connected.. Give that ago and see how you get on.. If you need further help post back.

Welcome to the forum btw..


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