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Buying Advice Needed - XR1000 for Multiple Xbox One X's

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20 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

I would highly recommend you don't restore a configuration from another firmware version as that could bring issues. Better to start fresh in my opinion.

Brilliant, will do, again thanks for the quick response. I guess the last question I have is that if I have to revert back to the current release firmware, or if there’s a new release with security fixes that I need to upgrade to, will it cause any issues or is there anything specific I need to take into account with reverting/ upgrading from beta firmware?

At this stage, the thread is a bit off topic to the original buying advice that I was asking for. If I have any other issues, I’ll search the forum and if I can’t find an answer, I’ll set up a new thread - thanks again for everything! Literally the quickest and best customer service I’ve come across from any company. 


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All I would suggest is to factory reset after any upgrade/downgrade and don't restore a configuration, otherwise nothing you need to keep in mind there. Okay no worries at all, I'll close this topic now. You're very welcome and thank you!

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