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Shoot First - Die First (POTENTIAL FIX)

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So I have been having mega issues recently with COD playing shoot first die first.... Kill cams showed me not even shooting them after I put a full clip in them! I did research, I changed every setting possible, PC settings... Router Settings...... EVERYTHING!!! I believe I have found the fix. Now this has worked for me, it may be worth a try to see if it works for you.

AS for research goes I found something called 'LAG COMPENSATION' basically that means, he who has the best internet... gets F***ED... Like really, I am being punished for spending a fortune on internet! I had 1000mbps DOWN and 100mbps UP. Basically what this means is that my connection was super fast, way above the UK average of about 54.2mbps, this then meant that when I was joining lobby's my internet would be the best, meaning I would essentially become the HOST. COD see this as an unfair advantage, not the fast I spend a fortune to get good internet for COD.. But nope, they say how dare you hold that advantage on other players! And thus.... LAG COMPENSATION begins! 

So I tweeked my settings, I thought of Virgin Media hitting 500mbps... I read that COD and Gaming dosent really use that much Down and Up.. 

Here are my settings! I hope this helps for you guys and if it does GREAT!! If not, don't give up.. I spent almost a year trying to sort this out.



Set my PC to Xbox, put this in Filtering Mode.
Set my location to the UK, 900km search.
Strict Mode ON
Auto Ping host ON




Download - 60% which gives me 459mbps
Upload - 60% which gives me 61.2mbps 

In the devices section I set my Gaming PC to 50% for both Upload and Down... Essentially meaning my PC is limited to 229mbps DOWN and 30.6mbps UP.



Open ports for COD on Gaming PC.



Over time I am going to try slowly alter these settings to try find the PERFECT balance.. My next trial is to UP my UPLOAD speed to approx 50mbps and see how I get on. I am then going to try turn of UPNP so that my ports changes my game to a OPEN NAT type rather than a MODERATE NAT type to see if that helps also.


I will keep this post updated! Hope this helps people.


'shoot first die first'
'call of duty lag'
'Gaming LAG'
'Game LAG'
'Game Lagging'
'XR700 LAG'

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