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Terrible night on Advanced warfare on PS4

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ok I think I know what it is. Can you try set your range to 300km. You may get booted. But stick at it till you get a game. Then post your ping please. 


Btw cloud updates are coming through now, so I imagine you'll suddenly see a big jump in performance because of where you're based. Hint you live at the centre of the Internet.  

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Wait a min, I know what it is. Based on what you said in chat I'm almost certain its your ISP I'm sorry to say. Just to double check can you post screenshot of "tracert" in here please. 

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Yup its your ISP I'm sorry to say. I'll run you through it. In the picture within the 308km range you see the dip to about 25ms. That shows you the potential of the host it could be 25ms(could be even better). But you're stuck at at least 40ms and above. Why?


Well the tracert shows you how fast you get to google, which for most people will be 15-30ms. The most interesting part is the router which has the IP, that is the faulty one. You can see it spiking to 74ms & also notice its higher than reaching the destination. That is the typical sign of either an over-congested router or a mis-configured one. You could call up the ISP and tell them that but I'm not sure if they will do anything :( 


Just for legal reasons, this is just my personal opinion nothing to do with Netduma. 

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Great, yeah just pay attention to your tracert. Everything should be below the final destination. I bet you if you play at a really late time at night say 4am, you'll notice amazing pings. I reckon you have a horrendous contention ratio.


Again just my personal opinion, not that of Netduma. 

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ok nice, so there are multiple routers out of your home to the Internet. There is definitely a problem on the way to google which is more likely on the highway to the Internet. I imagine what you're seeing is a shortcircuit to your ISP.


my opinon

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Guest Netduma_Iain

No problem man, I bet you will see a huge performance gain after 9pm-10pm, when people start sleep. Only downside is less players in your area, darn catch 22

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Have a good night and thanks again.  I'm connected Modem-R1-Nighthaws (AP) the Xbox1 and PS4, I hope that's what you meant.  I have both the xbox 1 and PS4 using the same DNS

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Before I go, are you playing on wifi? I mean its looks like its solved but we always recommend playing on wired not wifi

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Have a good night and thanks again.  I'm connected Modem-R1-Nighthaws (AP) the Xbox1 and PS4, I hope that's what you meant.  I have both the xbox 1 and PS4 using the same DNS

I recommend using and as your DNS servers.

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The xbox live service was wonky for me last night, can't comment on PS4 network though. I have a question though for the network savvy guys and the Duma team, is it a bad idea to be pinging the host the whole match? I'm not a network guy, but would that extra traffic worsen the connection or it such a small amount of data that it doesn't matter? I usually just ping the host to see what it is and then close the window out.

Pinging the host will have a negligible impact as its a tiny amount of bandwidth required.


I normally keep any ping active through the match as a good starting ping does no equal a good host. If a host had an unstable ping with large spikes then that's enough for me to 'avoid' them.

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